The Self and the Not-self are but members of a complex Whole--Difficulties in the transformation of the Subject into Object and vice-versa' Object into Subject - Each pre-supposing the other, we have to take the Universe in the light of single unified System.
The task of philosophers is to find Difficulties law, order and reason in what at first in the formu lation of an sight seems accidental, capricious and adequate Theory of meaningless. And the arduousness of that the Universe.
work grows with the complexity and intricacy of the phenomena to be explained. The freer the play of difference, the harder is to find the underlying unity, the fiercer the conflict of opposites, the more difficult is it to detect the principle out of which it Springs. And unless this is satistactorily done, any theory of the Universe can hardly be attained to. Unconscious of the greatness of the work they were undertaking, the early philosophers tried to solve the whole problem of the Universe at a stroke and find some one principle or unitary method which