nittya sud
and which on that account is generally left out of consideration. But here, as the persisting element is taken into consideration along with the changes in its appear. ances, it is called asuddha i.e. improper.
(e) Kramopådhi nirapeksha nitya suddha etc.—deals with regard only to the nirapeksha essential and real nature of the noumenon Wha'etc. irrespective of the phenomenal variations it undergoes. It consists in looking into things with reference to its real nature as apart from the temporal variations which the thing might happen to undergo.
(f) Kramopâdhi såpeksha anitya asuddha &c.—is an enquiry into the tem- sdp poral and perishable aspect of variations in so far only as they are subject to causality of karma.
THE SEVEN NAYAS. It is now clear how the two nayas, Noumenal and Phenomenal, differ from each other. The one enquires into the very substance of a thing under consideration and the other investigates into the phenomena in and through which the substance makes its appearance to us.
anitya asud
The Seven Nayas.