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substance : for a substance without quality or modality is as unthinkable as the quality or modality without a substance.
(ii) Svadravyddi grihaka--has for its (ii) Svadra. subject matter those particularising aspects
of a thing in and through which it asserts its e. sting individuality as distinct and separate from what it is not. A particular thing does not assert itself as such simply by the virtue of its substance, the abode of its many qualities and modalities ; but it asserts its own individuality as such equally through its own locality of existence, the period its of coming into existence and the mode of its existence. For instance, when we know that 'there is the jar,' we do not simply know that the jar of clay or of any other particular substance whereof it has been manufactured is there ; but we know as well the particular locality maaa) where the jar stands, the particular period of time (akin) when the jar is said to have come into existence and the particular modle (@HIT), capacity, colour and the like in and through which the jar has been asserting its own existence and individuality as distinct and separate from all others that