fication is also applicable with equal logic to the inorganic world of pudgal-matter.
(a) Indivisible atoms or electrons are examples of the first kind of classifications as applied in the non-living world.
(b) Each kind of colour, smell, taste and two non-conflicting sensations of touch are but instances of the second class of variation in the non-living
(c) The binary and tertiary compounds of the pudgal-matter are illustrations of the third kind of variation.
(d) Chemical compounds stand for the fourth.
In fine, it is also to be noted that Unity (एकत्व) and Iuriety (पृथकत्व) are but modes of appearance-Pan yâya. Unity is complete Identity and Variety consists in Differences of feature. Combination (HitT), Configuration (#gia), Division (fah1n), Number (aşTI). Newness and Oldness under the influence of time are but other characteristic indications of paryżyl or phenomenon. For it is said, ---
एगत्तं च पहुत्तं च संख्या साठणमेवय । मंजोगो य विभागो य पज्जयाणं तु लक्मणम् ॥
Unity, Variety etc., are
modes or Paryayas.