Book Title: Dravya Sangraha
Author(s): Nemichandra Siddhant Chakravarti, Saratchandra Ghoshal
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 27
________________ xxiv INTRODUCTION. skra Konister of lic king Rachamalla or Rajamalla II , fully known as Dharma-naharâjâdhiraja Satya-vâkya Kongwrivarına Parmanadi Richamalla. Chamunda Raja was also the minister of Richamalla or Rajamalla II. In one inscription we read “Riya (i.e., Chamunda-Riya), the excellent minister of the king Râchamalla," + aml in another" Chamunda Râya, second in glory to king Richa-nalla."! In a Jaina work, named Vahuvali-Charitra, we find that there was a king namel Rajannalla, the worshipper of the feet of the sage Siphanandi. Châmunda Blûpa (or Raja) was his ininister. In il manuscript we read "Chamunda Raya, having the titles of manaranga-malla, Asahay -parâkrama, Guna-ratna-bhuilgana, Samynitrurutna-riya, etc., the Mahamatya (highest minister) of Rajamalla of the Ganga dynasty, graced by the great sage Simhanandi."|| * Mr. Fleet has accepted the name Racha-malla to be the correct ono (Ipigraphia Indica, Vol. V, Inscription No. 18), and, though we find this namo in some inscriptions, the name Rajamalla is also uscd by Juina writers whom we have quotod in this Introduction and in inscriptions like No. 107 M1). Vol. III, Epigraphia Carnatica. + "राचमलुभवर-वरमन्त्रि -रायने" Inscription at Bhandari Basti. ravana Belgola, Mysorc. [Vide Lewis Rice- Inscriptions at Sravana balgola,' p. 103. ] + "राचमल्लं जगन् नुतन आ भूमिपण द्वितीयविभवं चामुण्डरायम्" Inscription to the left of the Dvârapalaka doorway. (Vidi Lewis Rice 'Inscriptions at Sravana Belgola,' p.07.] $ "श्रीदेशीयगणाब्धिपूर्णमृगभृच्छीसिंहनन्दिप्रति श्रीपादाम्बुजयुग्ममत्तमधुपः सम्यक्त्वचूडामणिः । श्रीमज्जैनमताब्धिवर्द्धनसधासुतिर्महीमण्डले रेजे श्रीगुणभूषणा बुधनुतः श्रीराजमल्लो नृपः ॥...... तस्यामात्यशिखामणिः सकलवित् सम्यकत्वचूडामणिभव्याम्भोजवियन्मणिः सुजनवन्दिवातचूडामणिः । ब्रह्मक्षत्रियवैश्यशुक्तिसुमणिः कीयाघमुक्तामणिः पादन्यस्तमहीशमस्तकमणिश्चामुण्डभूपोऽग्रणीः॥" [Vahuvali-Charitra, Verses 8 and 11.] " सिंहनन्दिमुनीद्राभिनन्दितगङ्गवंशललाम.........श्रीमद्राजमल्लदेवमहीवल्लभमहामात्यपदविराजमान-रणरजमल्ला-सहायपराक्रम-गुणरत्नभूषणसम्यकत्वरत्ननिलयादिविविधगुणग्रामनामसमासादितकीर्ति ...श्रीमच्चामुण्डरायभवत् पुण्डरीक-द्रव्यानुयोगप्रश्नानुरूपं......" [Commentary on Gommata-sára by Abhayachandra Traividya-chakravartti. The MS, from which we quote the above passage is in the Central Jaina Oriental Library, Arrah.]


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