तीर्थंकर पार्श्वनाथ the scriptures. The people who knew the principle and who did not know it, only saw Ananda and started worship of Aditya bimba. The narration throws light on some of the important customs and traditions of the period. The worship of Akritrama Jina and Caityalaya during Astahnika has its significance. People who were aware of it followed Ananda and a tradition is set forth. The reason for this worship is also made clear and is self-revealing to resolve the doubts which might be in minds of common people. Of course, it suggests that Cavundaraya gives an opportunity to raise the issue for which common people were anxious to know the reality. So within the frame-work of Mahapurana Cavundaraya gives an opportunity to clear off doubts. At the same time he also mențions that people started immitating Ananda and started Suryopasana. Mahapurana does not make any distinction as knowing and. unknowing. It only says that people followed Ananda (M.P. 37:60). But Cavundaraya has observded the society minutely and seems to be a bit worried as people were engaged in worshiping Sun instead of Akritrima Jinabimba in the sky. The act, the innocence, the ritualistic custom of suryopasana does not give him satisfaction. It may be his desire to make them aware of reality through this additional description. Similarly with the specific addition Cavundaraya tries to record the contemporary custom and ritual of Suryopasana in his purana with such detail that it becomes relevant for us.
The grey hair made Ananda to renunciate the worldly desires. He entrusted the kingdom to his son and took to ascetic life under Samudragupta-yati. This is the information available in Cavundaraya Purana (C.P.355). But Mahapurana tells us more than this (M.P. 73-62). Ananda being free from worldly desires, crowned and entrusted the kingdom to his eldest son and went with other rulrs to Samudragupta and observed penance. The specific mention of eldest' son has been reduced to 'son' only. As Cavundaraya's interest is to give the story in a condensed