Prakrit Verses in Sanskrit Works on Poetics
सुम०छंतो दु०सह जणाणराए जणे परइ । अरंभो जस इमोणीसासाआससोसिअसरीरो परिणाहेकहं होहिइण आणिमो द०ढपे०म०स ।।
- Vol. IV p. 901 These four lines, as printed in the text, lead us to believe that they form the four quarters of one single stanza. On closer look, however, they are seen to be in the Āryā metre (with 12,18,12 and 15 mātrās in the four quarters respectively) and actually form two independent stanzas.
पेरिजंतो पुव्वकएहि कम्मेहि केहिं वराओ । सुहमिच्छंतो दुल्लहजणाणुराए जणो पडइ ।। [ प्रेर्यमाण: पूर्वकृतैः कर्मभि: कैरपि वराकः । सुखमिच्छन् दुर्लभजनानुरागे जन: पतति ।)
This stanza is found in the Līlāvai (V.No.569). As the next verse follows this without any introductory words such as "yathā vā", which Bhoja frequently adds while giving an additional example, one would expect to find this next verse also in the Līlāvas in the same context. The printed edition of the Līlāvai, however, does not contain it. This verse when corrected would read as:
आरंभो जस्स इमो णीसासाआससाससोसिअसरीरो। परिणाहो (? परिणामो) कहं होहिइ ण आणिमो दड्ढ.पेम्मस्स ।। [आरम्भो यस्यायं नि:श्वासायासशोषितशरीर: । परिणाम: कथं भविष्यति न जानीमो दग्धप्रेम्ण: ॥] Now this verse is found quoted in the Vajjālagga with a few variant readings:
आरंभो जस्स इमो आसन्नासाससोसियसरीरो । परिणामो कह होसइ न याणिमो तस्स पेम्मस्स ||
The words underlined present variant readings; hosai and hohihi are just two different forms identical in meaning; na animo and na yānimo are (almost) identical. The reading asannasasa however, is not happy.Ratnadeva, the commentator, renders it as ásannāśvāsa and Prof. M.V. Patwardhan says in his Notes: "आसन्न = आसन्नजण. आसन्नाणं आसन्नजणाणं आसासेहिं (ऊसासेहिं = उच्छ्वासै: ---- ।"
It would be better to read asannūsāsa.” The reading nīsāsāsa of the ŚP is decidedly better and eminently suits the context.
From the point of view of grammatical construction the reading tassa found in the Vajjālagga seems to be more appropriate. The reading daddha-pemmassa