APRIL, 1882.)
rasan and its dependencies, enabled him to dictate to the Western Muhammadan sections of the joint creed, a change in the succession of their vicegerents upon earth. As Supreme governor of the eastern provinces, he necessarily nominated his own Lieutenants in Seistân, and hence we see the anomaly, in these coins, of the introduction of pictorial devices in the body of the ordinarily exclusive Kufio legends.
'ABD AL RAHMAN BIN MUSLIM. No. 1. Copper. A... 133, 4, 5, 6. (A.D. 750-753, 4.)*
I aliy LDIY
"In the name of God, this copper coin was struck, at Mapsûrah, under the orders of Mansu(r). No. 3. Copper. Size 4. Mr. Bellasis.
Mansurah, A. H. ?
Obverse. Device : Altogether effaced and obliterated.
Reverse. Area :
رسول الله
.وحد و بسم الله مما أمر به الأمير عبدالرحمن بن مسلم Margin سنة ثلث وثلثين ومية
"In the name of God. This (piece) is one of the number the Amir, Abd al Rahman bin Muslim, caused to be struck in A. 1. 133."
Margin: JEJU - Wynd (all) pe!
...cio ao 'ABD UL-RAĦMAN. No. 4. Copper. Size 5. Weight 44 grains.
Obverse.-Central device, & quatrefoil, or star, reduced to four points, on the sides of which are disposed, in the form of a square, the words walay all g o . The outer margin of the piece is ornamented with a line of dots enclosed within two linear circles, with four small dotted semicircles to fill in the 'space left vacant by the square central legend.
Reverse.--A scalloped square, surrounded by dots, within which, arranged in three lines, are
رسول الله
Margin. :: 141
igle :
في القربي
الا المودة
.-the con زبا الله عبد الرحمن السلعار ,the words
“Say, I do not ask for it å hire-only the love of my kinsfolk." (Quran, 42, 22.)
MANGUR THE SON OF JAMHUR, Al Kalbi. No. 2. Copper. Weight, 33 graing. Size, 6 of Mionnet's scale. Mr. Bellasis's collection.
Mansûrah, A. H. ?
Obverse. Area :
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شریک له
Margin. --Illegible.
Area :
cluding word I am unable to decipher, even from the best specimens at present availableit is possibly and probably the name of 'Abdulrahman's Arab tribe.
When the English Government originated the decoration of "& Star of India," they were perhaps not aware that Sind had already & competitive star of its own; a very special and discriminative symbol, which attained such permanent recognition in and around the province itself, that the device here discovered on 'Abdulrahman's coins continued to constitute, in a slightly modified form, the typical emblem of the state, down to the time of Taj-ud-din Ilduy, the trusted lieutenant of Muhammad bin Sâm, eventually independent Sultan of Siud, and likewise that of his opponent and successor Kuba. chah, another general of the Ghorî conquerors Monnaies des Khalifes Orientauz (St. Petersbourg, 1878), PP. 65, 66. *** Profowior Palmer's translation, vol. II, p. 807.
رسول الله
Margin: Syai
[ l
] Wymiallp!
مما امر به مذعر
• Frohn's Recensio (1826, p. 19) Stikel (Jena collection 1845, p. 40); Tornberg Symbola ad Rem numariam, (whanimedanorum (Upealize, 1856), p. 8; Tiesenhausen