Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 11
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 250 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. founded by Acharya-Sântisâgara in Marudesa,the 6th gachhabhéda. 60. Jinamanikya, son of Sâha-Jivaraja of the Kûkadachopadagotra and Padmâdêvi, born Sam. 1549; diksha Sam. 1560; padasthapaná Sam. 1582 Bhâdra vadi 9; died Sam. 1612 Âshâdha sudi 5. 61. Jinachandra, son of Sâha-érîvanta of the Rihadagotra and Siriyâdêvî, born at Vadaligrama near Timarinagara Sam. 1595; diksha Sam. 1604; súripada at Jêsalamêru Sam. 1612 Bhâdra sudi 9. He is said to have converted the Emperor Akbar to the Jaina religion. He had 95 pupils,-Samayaraja, Mahimarâja, Dharmanidhana, Ratnanidhâna, Jñânavimala, etc. and died at Venâtața Sam. 1670 Âśvina vadi 2. S. 1621 originated the Bhavaharshiyakharataraśákhá, founded by Bhâvaharshopadhyaya, -the 7th gachhabheda. 62. Jinasimha, son of Sâha-Châmpasi of the Ganadharachôpaḍâgôtra and Chaturangadêvî, born at Khetâsaragrâma Sam. 1615 Mârga sudi 15; múlanaman Mânasimha; diksha at Vikâner Sam. 1623 Mârga vadi 5; váchakapada at Jêśalamêru Sam. 1640 Mâgha sudi 5; ácháryapada at Lâhora Sam. 1649 Phâlguua sudi 2; súripada at Venâtata Sam. 1670; died at Meḍatâ Sam. 1674 Pausha vadi 13. 63. Jinaraja, son of Sâha-Dharmast of the Bôhittharâgôtra and Dhâraladevi, born Sam. 1647 Vaisakha sudi 7; diksha at Vikâner Sam. 1656 Mârga sudi 3; dikshanaman Rajasamudra; váchakapada Sam. 1668; súripada at Meḍatâ Sam. 1674 Phâlguna sudi 7. He made many pratishthás,-for example, erected 501 statues of Rishabha and other Jinas on the Satrumjaya Sam. 1675 Vaisakha sudi 13 Sukref, composed a vritti on the Naishadhiyakávya, called Jainarájí, and other granthas, and died at Pâttana Sam. 1699 Ashâdha sudi 9. 82 Sam. 1686 originated the Laghvácháryiyakharatarasalhé from Acharya-Jinasagarasûri, occasioned by Harshanandana," pupil of Samayasundara, this is the 8th gachhabhéda. Sam. 1700 originated the Rangavijayakharatarašákha from Rangavijayagani,-this is the 9th gachhabhéda, and from this sâkhâ sprung the Srisuriyakharatarasúkhú, founded by Śrisâropadhyaya, the 10th gachhabhéda. वृहस्थरतरनामा मूलगच्छ एवमेकादशभेदः खरतरगच्छ ः Cf. Tod, Trav. in W. Ind., p. 290.-Another inscription-Colebr. Miss. Ess. vol. II, p. 319 (new ed. 279). [SEPTEMBER, 1882. 64. Jinaratna, of Serûnagrâma, son of Sâha-Tilokasi of the Lûnîyagotra and Târâdêvî, originally called Rûpachandra, received the súrimantra Sam. 1699 Ashadha sudi 7, died at Akavvarâvâda Sam. 1711 Śrâvaṇa vadi 7. 65. Jinachandra, son of Sâha-Âsakarana of the Ganadharachôpadigôtra and Supiyâradevi; múlanáman Hêmaraja, dikshanaman Harshalâbha; padasthapana Sam. 1711 Bhâdra vadi 10; died at Sûrata Sam. 1763. 66. Jinasaukhya, son of Såha-Rûpasî of the Lechâbuharâgôtra and Surûpâ, born at Phogapattana Sam. 1739 Mârga sudi 15; diksha at Punyapâlasaragrâma Sam. 1751 Mâgha sudi 5; dikshanaman Sukhakirti; suripada Sam. 1763 Ashadha sudi 11; died at Ript Sam. 1780 Jyêshtha vadi 10. 67. Jinabhakti, son of Saha-Harichandra of the Sethagôtra and Harisukhadêvî, born at Indapâlasaragrâma Sam. 1770 Jyeshtha sudi 3; múlandman Bhimarâja; diksha Sam. 1779 Mâgha sudi 7; dikshánáman Bhaktikshema; sûripada at Rini Sam. 1780 Jyeshtha vadi 3 (at the age of 10!); died at Mânḍavi in Kachhadesa Sam. 1804 Jyeshtha sudi 4: 68. Jinalubha, son of Sâha-Pachâyanadâsa of the Bôhittharâgôtra and Padmâdêvî, who dwelt at Vikinêr, born at Våpeûgrâma Sam. 1784 Śrâvana sudi 5; múlánáman Lilachandra; diksha at Jêsalamêru Sâṁ. 1796 Jyeshtha sudi 6; dikshanaman Lakshmilâbha; padasthapaná at Mânḍavi Sam. 1804 Jyeshtha sudi 5. He made many yútrás and pratishthás; and died at Gudha Sam. 1834 Âśvina vadi 10. 69. Jinachandra, son of Rupachandra of the Vachhâvatamumhatagôtra and Kêsaradêvi, who dwelt at Vikânêr, born at Kalyânasaragrâma Sam. 1809; múlamáman Anûpachandra; diksha at Manḍovara Sam. 1822; dikshanaman Udayasâra; súripada at Guḍhâ Sam. 1834 Âśvina vadi 13; died at Sarata Sam. 1856 Jyêshtha sudi 3. 70. Jinaharsha, born at Valêvågråma, son of Saha-Tilôkachandra of the Mithadiyâbuharêgôtra and Târâdêvî; diksha at Aûgrâma Sam. 1841; súripada at Sûrata Sam. 1856 Jyêshtha sudi 15. Here the MS., written in Sam. 1876, breaks off. 33 Author of a Rishimandalatka, Berlin or. fol. 719.


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