Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 11
Author(s): Jas Burgess
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Dattatraya, god .................. 23 dohai, mercy! .................. 40 Firozpur canal ..................166-7 Dadd bin Yazid bin Hatim ... 90 Dohalika, village................ fish-curing at the Maldives ... 196 Dauri beggars.....................
24 Dombåri sect ...................... 24 Floyer's Unexplored Baluchis. Davids' Hibbert Lectures ...... 300f Domma, king ..................10, 17 tan.................................. 336 dégula .............................. 125 Dôrivals beggars .............. 172 Folklore from Kashmir: 1. Ali De Laet, author ................. 316 dramma, coin or weight ...... 339
Mardân Khan and Deogarh inscription ........... Dras, sculptured stone at...... 298
the snakewoman ... 230 Deoli beggars ................... 24 drishtdrthatvat ................. 53
2. Gwashbrâri and dela ................................ 162 dront ................................. 244
Westarwan............ 259 Défindmamála of Dhanapala 253 Dudpos (bDud-po) or Shinjes. 235
3. How the springs Dêva, Jaina saint ............... 248 Dulchi Râm of Jesalmir ...... 37
came to Kashmir ... 260 dévaddya ........................... 159 Durbalikapushpamitra Jaina.. 247
4. The Yech ......... 260 Dêvananda, Jaina saint... 247, 252 Durbalikapushpa Jaina shri... 252
5. Fatteh Khân, the dévaputra.................. ..... 128 Durgaprabodhavydthyd of
Valiant weaver ...... 282 Dêvarîya of Vijayanagara ... 236 Jinaprabodha ................ 249
6. Prince Bahrám Dôvarddhigaạikshamábrama- Durlabharaja (Chaulukya). 71, 248
Gor and the faëry na ................................. Durvasis ......................... 222
Shahpasand .......... 285 Deva Rapasri, Jaina suri ...... Duryodhana ..................... 18
7. The Tiger and the Dêvasundara, Jaina suri ...... Dushtabuddhi..................81, 85
Farmer's wife......... 319 Dêvasari, Jaina saint ......... ditaka, office ......72, 159, 305, 309
8. The bear's bargain. 340 Dêvêndra, Jaina suri............ duvēdin.......
9. The two brothers. 342 Dhammilla, father of Sudhar. dvivedin ...
ore from the Panjabman ...............................
continued from-vol. x. Dharakataka, Dhanakata- East India Company's coin
12. Sånsi charms ... 32 ka ..................... 95f., 97, 237f ages ............................... 313
13. The king with Dhanapala, author of the Desf. Eastwick's Gulistán ............
seven sons ............ 73 namam ila .................... 253 eclipse, lunar .................
14. The song of the Dhanyavatipura or Dhanaka- edges of copperplates fashion.
canal .................... 163 taka
ed with rims. 156
15. Death and burial Dhârî, city.................. 108, 236 » » turned up in.
of poor Hensparrow. 169 Dharanikóta, town............ 97, 98
to rims ...68, 110
16. The Rat's wedDhårdvarsha, Dhruva (RAsh.) 109, edges of copperplates without
ding ..................... 226 125, 162 rims .............................. 125
17. A Story of Heroes 229 Dhåråvarsha, Mándalika of Edgren on Verbal Sansksit
Story of ChandraChandravati ..............220, 223
roots ......
hâsya .................. 84 Dharma, a sage .................. 234
on the relation of
Story of Lonân, the Dharmaghosha, Jaina suri ... 255 palatal and labial vowels ... 329
wife of Salivahana... 289 Dharmahari........................... Ekasaila--Worangal ............ 12
Freeland on two Arabic poems 299 Dharmakirti, Jaina suri ...... 'Ekárn .............
Fu-sang, by Dr. Wells Williams 330 Dharmaprabhasa, a Buddha.. Eknath of Paithân ............ 59
gachhas, the 84 of the Jainas. 248 Dhatukdiya of Parna............. Elâpatra Nagaraja...........50, 146 Gadag inscription ............... 10 Dhavalakkak, Dholka in Gu. Elâpura, city or hill-fort Gajendra ........................... 63 jarât ............................. 99 (P Elura) ......................... 124
Gajmår beggars ................... 172 dhokato............. elephant, white ...................343n
gámunda ......................... 68, 70 Dhôlka in Gujaråt............ 99, 100 emblems on seals of grants 66, 110,
Gåmundabbe,queen (Râsh.)126-127 Dhôra, Dhruva (Rash.) 109, 125
126, 156 Gandadeva, Chandel king...... 326 126, 156, 160, 162 , on stone-tablets ... 68
Gandasri-Paravirabhadra, 242, 244 Dhruva, 65; and see Dhöra. "Eurovo a, spectres ............... 234
Gandgari hills..................... 349 Dhûsha, vill...................... 305 Erâpato-Elâpatra ......... 50, 146 gandhada udige .................. 122 diamonds and precious stones 270 exchanges in the 17th century 313 Gandhela or Gadhila, wanDigambara Jainas .........247, 254 Exeter-book ........................ 86 dering caste .................. 41, 42 dikshita ............... ............. 16
gandheri .......................... 141 Dilêwar, town in Sindh...... 5 falcons ............
.... 276
Gangas................................ 161 Dilawar Khân, Afghan brigand 325 Faridi faqirs in the Panjab ... 38 Gangabal lake .........231 & n. 260 Dinna, Jaina suri............ 247, 252 Faridkot and Farid Shêkh ... 37 Gang-po-Parna, q. V......... 294 Diti, wife of Kaśyapa ......... 234 faru mas ........................... 196 Ganikå ............................. 63 dioirapati, office................ 309 Fazl bin Mahn ................. 90
Gardabhilla ................. 247, 251

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