________________ ERRATA. p. 297, the Notes and Queries ought to be num. bered 8, 9 &c. to 12 instead of 9, 10 &c. to 13. 305a, 1. 9, after 13; add-The plates were found at Lunsadi a village in the Mahuva pargang under Bhaunagar, and lent by Mr. Vajeshankar Gauri. Bhankar of that State, at the instance of Col. J. W. Watson, to the Editor to take facsimiles from. The seal is attached (not lost). 309, 1. (23) after अपरतः read कुटुंम्बीभोतकस बक्षेत्रः उत्तरतः कुटुम्बीअज्जससनक्षेत्रः तथा द्वितीयखन्ड (") पूर्वदक्षिणसधि महत्तरजजुल्लकमकृष्टत्रीं शाङपादा वनपरिमाणं यस्य पूर्वतः जज्जुल्लकसत्कक्षेत्रः दक्षिणतः ब्राह्मण (*) T H : 37977: and alter the numbering of lines (24), (25) &c. to (26), (27) &c. p. 337 [*] read xftETENTE. p. 337b, 1. 5, read Kambalauli. ... 1. 12 from bottom, read Taladhvaja. , 1. 1 from bottom, dele 1. 1, read on. p. 338 [8] read PosTTTT. ., [18] read GT7 T. ,, [1] read पूजायर्थ and सपुचपौत्रस्य. >> [*] read eTa. p. 3106, 1. 36, read A sva pati a native of Padma vati (?). 3116, 1. 1, read Kirtivarman. ,, 1. 14, dele *. ,, 1. 15, join rajodymadhyagatao. ,, 1. 18, dele *. ,1. 28, for Arohayitum- read arohayitum ,, 1. 39, read Kirtivarman 3126, 1. 17 f., read and 2 rephas ,, 1. 28, read guhdlatam 3136, 1. 2 f., read in his review of the first volume of Senart's Inscriptions de Piyadasi in the Gottingische Gelehrte Anzeigen of the 19th October 1881, p. 1313. 321a, 1. 24, for Pankshoba read Sank. shoba. 3346, 1. 28, for No one will be disposed, read Not every one will be disposed. p. 338 [') read art. ,, [] read amos. 3386, 1. 5 from bottom, read ga :, 339a, 1. 10 from bottom, read see note 13. 3396, 1. 36, read Valahara, 340a, 1. 4, read Velahala. 3406, 1. 13, for produce read merit.