APBIL, 1882.]
salvation, leaning upon a stick (the sacred Danda Narrations of the celebrated Rámáyana and of a Sannyasi).
Mahabharata, -him, who delights or revels in 18. Victorious be his three sons, who possess the pleasures of poetry, the leader of (all) the the splendour of the three sacred fires, who pos- (three) castes ? sess a greatness of Siva, Vishņu, (and) Brahma, 25. To him who was well pleased, king who are as holy as the flowing stream of the Visvala, who had an insight in his unriver of the gods (the Ganga).
blemished virtues, gave a palace in the Brah19. His eldest son Bhag a vân and Pu- mapuri (the street of the Brahmans) his rush ô ttamma were equal to each other, in own creation, where the mansions shine out name, in the possession of Sri (wealth or the with their great bulk, in this city of the lord goddess Lakshmi), and by the fame of dvijapati." (Siva) the destroyer of the demon Pura The only difference was that with the first (i. e. (Tripura). the eldest son of Givinda) the habitation of the 1 26. (Him) who, always propitiating the daughter of Brahmâ (Bráhmisthiti) was in the lord of the crescent moon (Simésa) with lotus of his face, while with the other (i. e. offerings of rice, renders fruitful or meritorious Vishnu) the habitation of Brahma (Brahmísthiti) the village Bag asar å given him by king was on the lotus of his navel.
Visa la. 20. The youngest after him was Malhaņa, 27. He, the crest of the Srðtriyas, now the pleasure-ground of the populace of good satisries, on every new-moon day, the manes intellects-who has his sins destroyed by bathing of king Visvala, who (while alive) was in the Ganges-who had the whole of the wholly in his power or enslaved as it were by Rig Veda, with its many Angas (or subordinate his sweet recitations of the Puranas, that he sciences) by heart, who ascending as he was the relished so well as the best preparations of balcony of Mahiman or Greatness, with the ambrosia, (but) who now dwells with the scaling-ladder of Fortune attained to fame in gods ! the assembly of the king through (his knowledge 28. He, NĄnâ ka, who every day propiof) Yoga Philosophy,-and who practised the tiates the wielder (Siva) of the bow Pinkka, sixfold Nyasa.
by offerings of sacred waters, garlands of lotus 21. The younger son was by name Nând- flowers, and rice preparations, and by saluka bhûti, of splendid qualities, the first among
tations. the learned. The goddess of Speech resorts 29. Satisfied with his great devotion, the to his moon-like face in order to calm the lord Sankara, causing his own power to enter (feverish) heat caused by the waste of the ancient in the body of Ganda-$ r i-Virabhadra good poets.
made him a sharer of the best seventh part of 22. His wife was Lakshmi, his second the village named Mangala. self, his life-breath moving out of his body, an 30. May that Nânâ ka live long in delight, ornament of the two unblemished families (her with his increasing fame unfolding itself to father's and her husband's), possessing a face the very (verge of the heavens, who is of a as sweet as the opening) morning lotus.
mind attentive to the worship of the feet of 23. Whose friend is not that Nânâ ka the Sômêsvara --Nánaka, who performs daily abluornament of the Någara (caste), master of tions in the Sarasvati with great respectful good manners, of remarkable virtues, of well- regard, --he who is purified by the performance restrained organs, and of bright behaviour of the great sacrifices, and who always en
24. Who will not extol him, who is the tertains guests. gem-like ornament of the assembly of those | 31. May, through the good actions (perversed in the Sruti and Smriti, who has bathed formed by one), Nânáka, who is the chief of the his intellect in the Ocean of the Katantra learned, whom they call “Sinless," who has Grammar), who is unique in the lenowledge won fame, to whom king Visvala gave a of) metrics, who knows the quintessence of the palace, and in whom there is not even a trace alankara-sastra (rhetoric), who has reached the of a fault, he, in whose rise there is great (other) shore of the Ocean of the Nectar of the (or general) liking (?) and in whom all virtues
31. e. of Bhagvan's being a lord of Dvijas, and Vish., a's possessing Garuda, the lord of birds.