[JUNE, 1882.
[TM] nakaṁ v=ânumôdêta sa pamchabhir=mahâpâtakaiḥ sôpapatakais-cha samyuktaḥ
syât [ll] I. [""] ty=uktaṁ cha bhagavatá věda-vyâsêna" Vyksôna [lo] Shashtim varsha
sahasråņi svargê tishţhati bhumi-dah [""] âchhô(chchhê)ttà ch=anumantâ cha tâny=va narakê vasết [ll] Va(ba)hubhir
Vasudhá bhuktà râjabhi[b*] Sagar-adi. [""] bhih yasya yasya yadê bhumis-tasya tasya tada phalam [ilo] Sarvvân=êtân(n)
biavinaḥ pârthive[mo]drâm(n) bhûyê ["] bhûyê yâchatê Râmabhadrah sâmânyô=yam ddha(dha)rma-sêtr[ro] nsipâņâm kálê
kalê pålaniyo ["] bhavadbhiḥ [ll] Iti kamala-dal-amvu(vu)-vi(vim)dum (du)-181A bri(sri)yam=anuchi
(chim) tyam(tya) manushya-jivita cha [] ativimaja-manobbir=âtmaninairena hi purushaiḥ para-kirttay-pigopyâh [ll] ["'] Likhitari srimad-Aruņâdityềna Vatsaraja-putrêņa Bhavirama-důtakaṁ [ll] Translation.
| multitude of all the great mountains which had May he protect you, the waterlily in whose taken refuge in it through fear of having their navel is made a habitation by Vedhas; and wings cut off, and which was hard to be crossed Hara, whose head is adorned by the lovely by others, and which was possessed of many crescent-moon!
pure and resplendent jewels. (L. 1.)-There was a king, Krishṇaraja, (L. 5.)-His son was Dhô ra, rich in upon the earth, whose throat was hidden by fortitude, the destroyer of the beauty of the hands, stretched out with fingers joined the waterlilies which were the faces of the (behind his neck), of the goddess of fortune as wives of his enemies,-who, though he was she shone (reclining) on his broad chest, and like the fierce-rayed sun in pervading all the who was endowed with truth, and who, though regions with the expansion of his prowess as he conquered the host of his enemies with his the sun does with the expansion of its glowing large army, was yet free from any black deeds, heat, yet gladdened the earth by the lightness
-(like unto Krishna), whose throat was hidden of his taxes, while the sun torments it by the by the far-reaching rays of the jewel called fierceness of its rays); and whose fame was eri-kaustubha that shone on his broad chest, made into a necklet of pearls and was always and who was possessed of Satya," and who, worn by the guardian-women of the quarters. though he conquered the host of his enemies Though he was endowed with a (regal) splenwith his large discus, was yet free from any dour which was pure, notwithstanding that it black deeds. He, Vallabha," who was the was attained by leaping over his elder brother asylum of the entire assemblage of learned (in the succession), yet he was established in a people, sportively and quickly tore away the god. stainless realm of the world and never comdless of (regal) fortune from the Chalu kya" mitted any faults,-(just as the moon), though family, which was made lustrous by the mul- endowed with a splendoar which is pure in titude of all the great kings who took refuge spite of being caused by passing the constellawith it through fear of the destruction of their tion) Jyêshthâ, is established in a halo which armies, and which was hard to be overcome appears spotless to the world, and is not any by others, and which was possessed of many more the maker of darkness; and, having seen pure and resplendent jewels (of men),-just the liberality, which surpassed the liberality of as (the mountain) Mandara, which was the others, of him who maintained a continuance asylum of the entire assemblage of the gods, of charity which was inferior (only) to (that of) sportively and quickly extracted Lakshmi from Karna, the elephants of the quarters, maintainthe ocean, which was made lustrous by the ing a continuous flow of the rutting fluid from
The mark before this letter, na, is evidently only a klip of the engraver's tool.
93 Lakshmi. » This may either be taken as a proper name or title, or be translated by the lover, husband, friend, or favourite (of the world; 1. e. king).
1. It is curious that we have here, as also in the same verse in the Rahanpur grant, & form of the name which was not used by the Chalukyas themselves till the restoration of the dynasty by Taila II., about a hundred and thirty years after the date of this grant.