AUGUST, 1882.]
from parichchajjati, daddallati, Pasenadi, digha look, to examine,' etc., we find hapd kanara, chchha; dampati=jayampati in tudampat, Måg. 'to bite' (literally, having chewed to eat"), Adivikemhi in Cave inscriptions of Barabar and
and others. In pinanawd, 'to float, to swim,' Nagarjuna, Cunn. 103): rad, Mah. A. 'king'=
also, the second part, nanawa, is Vend; the first rdjan in the inscriptions of Mahåkal, and Mayil.,
part, an old gerund, perhaps modern bi from while the inscription of Amb. has raj, raejna, and L. V. K. raja, cf. Goldschmidt's Report, XI,
pa, 'to drink,' Simhalese bonawa. It then p. 10; warada=yurarája, Gp. C. 5; radahara
probably meant originally only to bathe,' like * royal taxes,' Mayil. B. 4, Report II. 1880, p. 5; 1
the simple vsná, though at present it is rather radawa = rajaka, Amb. B. 53 radol rajakula, the custom of the Simhalese to wash first in the Wewelk. 17, Ing. B. 21; racdna 'queen' rájil; water, which they drink afterwards. Mald. badinarod 'to fry'=\ bhrij; dannawd 'to know finan means 'to dive' which corroborates my =V jña, jándmi; detu=jyeshtha, S. B. M. B. 1;
etymology madata = mdjyeshtha, Nám. 121, K. J. 66; andun
D for jñ we find in dat (literary) - jñdta, data = aljana, corrupted tats.; kudu 'hump-backed'
Bupine jñtum, compü for jn in Mahar. Varar. = kubja, Pali khujjo; teda= tejas, Gp. A. 9, D.
III, 5: savvajjo, ingiajo; d for ch apparently I. 2; maeda = madhya, Mald. medu; midul =
through j) in mudanawd = much, cf. midinawd, majjd, J. P.mijjd, Nám. 105, Kdoy.XII. 47; ada for
Tiss., K. J. 115, Situlp.; aedurd=dchdrya, Amb. ajja=adya; mada 'kernel' = majjd, Páli miñja;
B, 39, 44, Mald. eduru 'teacher;' hawurud - daehaepiyae from jahati, Amb. A, 17; dahawut,
samvatsara, PAli samvachchharo (see above): Amb. A, 16, daehae, S. S. 22; stideta 'cook,' s.
godura, 'prey' = gochara, cf. pandarasa and L. 50, jetmaru, Amb. B, 19; wadnd from wadinard pannadasa, Cunn. 112, 98; purudu = parichita, Ab. ✓ vraj; paewidi, P. P. 30, Amb. B, 55, paeniji,
105; yadinara, 'to pray, beseech' = Vydch, yedi P. P. 34, 38, 48; weda = vejja Skt. vaidya, Amb.
= ydchita, S. M. A. 17; dina - china, Kavy. X A, 11, B, 30; diyat - jagat, Gutt. 47, S. 8. I. 13;
98; danga chañchd, Kdvy. II. 24; d for a in daha dena person' = jana, comp. Gipsy djeno 'person'
= sahasra, S. M. B. 10. (Pasp.); dana 'knee'-janu; daeli jhalla, J.P. and Pali jalla, the soot on utensils, comp. Childers
LABIALS. 8. v. rajovajallam, Mald. deli ink'; daeli - kajjald,
P for b, see above; p for mp in parapuren, E. Kavy. XI. 25; deya =jaya, Aetawiragol; dá =jata,
P., pardparawen, Ing. A. 13, parapurehi, P. P. P. Mayil. A. 15, R. D. 12; deranard 'to decay 1, in the old formula Okdwas raja parapurehi, but =jri.; daella 'flame'-jodla; daela - jdlá 'net in the text the more modern form parampardyen dira 'tongue'=jihud, Mald. dd; diwi (old) life- corrupted tats. Amb. B, 25; p for lp in kapanu, jfvita, Gp. B. 6, P. P. 4, diwel, Gp. A. 19, but kaepu, inscription of Kaasapo V. Mihin., Report jiwel, Amb. A, 45, 53; dada-dhuaja, Gutt. 181, XXV. p. 5, kaepiyae, Amb. A, 50, cf. J. C. A. S. Nam. 201, J. P. dhaya and jhaya; dambadiwu, 1879, p. 21; p for w in hapanawd, 'to chew.' Gp. B. 15, 21; saedt, P. R. D. 13; daenum, V jan Vcharo, Mar. chavanem (comp. Beames, I. 352): or jña (?) Gp. c. 12, 13; baediyawa-bhrajjita;
difficult to explain in watup "garden,' Amb. A, widinawd = vijjhana, Ch. II. 15, winiwida, K. J.98; 49=watu, Kívy. X. 99, PAli vatthu, Mahivagga, landa-laja in wilanda, Nám. 261; danga - janghd, II. 5, 6, and in waetup, 'wages,' Nám. 209, Gutt. S. S. 16; haemaendae = sammárjana, Amb. B, 52, 176; Amb. A, 47, and Kavy. XIII. 64, present the cf.saemadd, s. 8. 22, aemada, Kdvy. X. 101; bodun, form waetum instead, in Pali it is vutti; b for S. 8. 21, but bojun, P. P. 32, 33; maendina, P. P. in bada 'belly' (see above); bonawd 'to drink, 39, older maendindina, Abhay 4, still older maji. V pd, pana; boruwa 'lie,' from aparddha; aba, modini, Hab. 10: yodl, V yuj, P. P. 16, generally mustard' - sarshapa, Pali sdsapa; balanava yedt or yedd, P. P. 50; saeda = sarjita, Gp. B. 3, to look,' Amb. A, 20, 31, Skt. pralok, Prikrit K. J. 44; kadó - khajjota, Mah. II. 345, Nám. paloa, puloa, pulaa; tabanawd = stdp. Pali 145.
thápeti, Prakrit thavei; b for m in munuburi Kimidinawd to dive' with the exception of (see above), perhaps in baetalurod, sheep,' from the first syllable is derived from v majj ; in
medhra, menda, affix la; tamba - tdmra, Gp. A. the 4th cent, A. D. we find mujita, 'inundated.'
18, J. P. id.; kappil - kambapil, S. 8. 23: imbul The first syllable ki represents evidently an old
- odlmali, J. P. sambali; arub - drama, Amb. A.
18, 46; saebae = sammd (P); tamburu = tammala. gerund which I have not succeeded in tracing.
Mah. II. 125; 6 for y in dalabuwa = jardyu, Pali The Simhalese, however, are very fond of com
jalábu; b for in bakamuna, 'owl (vakra + bining two verbs in this fashion. Not to speak mukha); balald - viddla ; wel umba, elembi. of the so-called reflexives as ball gannawá, to asvalembi, mare,' from wadavd.