JUNE, 1882.]
on roofs, at windows. Bands of pilgrims parade soventy-five families have the designation of the streets, beating tâls, and shouting Dnyándev Vitthal dds, or slaves of Vitthal. These play Tukdrám. But here comes the chariot, drawn on instruments before the palanquin and the by apparently hundreds of men holding on by | image in the temple. two immense, strong cables. Two similar ropes I do not seem yet to have mentioned the are attached to it behind. As the huge Badave or sons of the river (Gangdputra), who vehicle comes on rumbling, tumbling, jolting, with their families amount to about 500 persons,
ashing along the rudely paved streets, all Brahmans. These are the men who show the question occurs :-Can the worshippers the visitors the temples, images, &c. and who intend this as a pleasure drive to Vithob ? It receive the offerings they bring. Those of the is enough to break every bone in his body, if he "sons of the river" with whom we came in has any bones to break. Or is it a procession contact were amazingly ignorant of everything in state? Strange that any one can think this except the ceremonies to be performed and the frightful hubbub exalts the dignity of the god. price to be paid. People fling quantities of sweetmeats and We had intended to remain at Pandharpur dried fruits, which the bystanders eagerly catch till the pilgrims had all dispersed. But as we up; and the procession turns to fun and frolic, crossed the sands on the evening of the fullexcept when a great lurch sends the crowd a- moon, the unutterably filthy condition of the flying. A good many people stand on the car with place not only filled us with disgast but made chowries in their hands, vociferating loudly. one of us seriously ill. So we suddenly altered The silver image of Vithobe, which is raised our plans, and marched off to a neighbouring on the front, is small. A small brass canopy over- village. hangs it. A horse richly caparisoned is led in I visited Pandharpur a few years afterwards. front of the chariot. “Whose horse is this P" On that occasion cholera broke out; and we we asked. “The god's horse, of course." "Does had to minister to the bodies, as well as the souls, Vithoba then take a ride occasionally P" No of the pilgrims. Happily the disease did not answer, except a sort of grin. This procession appear in so virulent a form as, in those days, took place during the day. The people came it often assumed at the great gatherings. crowding around us-most willing to listen. A few years ago, a disappointed worshipper Some of them seemed to think the whole ex- actually threw a great stone at the image and hibition childish.
smashed one of its knees. The "self-existent" Probably the details I have mentioned are Vithoba has now a broken leg. Still, the sufficient to give a tolerably clear idea of the pilgrimage seems as popular as ever; the worship performed at Pandharpur during the visitors do not sensibly diminish. It is even two great annual festivals. Considerable num- possible that, when the projected railway to bers of devotees resort to it at other times, Bârst Road is constructed, the attendance may all through the year. About ten thousand are increase-that is, for a time. said to arrive on the 11th day of each Hindu This paper threatens to exceed its proper month-to bathe in the ChandrabhagA and dimensions. I hasten therefore to notice that gaze on Vithoba.
the last statement I have read regarding I cannot at present inquire into the origin Pandharpur is one made by its inhabitants of the worship at Pandharpûr. I incline to themselves, in November last year. The place believe, with Dr. Stevenson and others, that had then the honour of a visit from Sir James Pandharpur was originally a gathering place Fergusson, Governor of Bombay, and in the of the Buddhists, which has been usurped address made to His Excellency by the Managand gradually Hinduized. We found it was ing Committee of the School of Industry, the no uncommon belief that Vithob was an following words occur :-"From a dirty place, image of the Bauddha Avatar rather than in which garbage and filth of all kinds were the of Krishna. There are still in Pandharpûr conspicuous features, whose only water-supply about 75 families of Jains. Some of these said consisted of the impure waters of the Bhima, that Vithob was properly "a Jain deity" and whose name was ever associated with the (meaning thrthankar). About eight of the outbreak and spread of virulent cholera epide