[APRIL, 1882
lights of the eyes cannot perceive, about Dvijendra (i.e. the moon that Sira bears on his which all speech ceases-thinking of which the forehead), as well as by the prosperity of the mind becomes bewildered, and which does not best of Dvijas (i. e. the Nágara Brahmans, its fall within the range of thought, (but) which inhabitants). is easily obtained by unfeigned devotion (and) 8. Near it is a village by name Gunja, beYoga.
longing to men of the Vaija v &pa family 2. May that incomparable god, who has the given to them), by the Chaulu ky a king, shape of a man and of an elephant, who is the pleased with their work as Prime Ministers. pleasure mountain of Siddhi (success), who is 9. In that place Sômêsvara, the crest beautiful through his creeper-like proboscis jewel of the twice-born, was born, a descendant that sprouts as it were out of the rays of his of the glorious Kåpisht li a la family.tusks, who is pleasant to the sight on account How many fortunate (people) have not attained of vermillion, who sheds copious ichor (i.e. here proficiency in Vedic lore by worshipping mada) confer blessings upon you!
his feet (studying under him)? 3. May the waters of the junction of the 10. He had for his wife Sitâ, who was free Sarasvati with the ocean-delightful to the birds, from tamas (ignorance or darkness) and tapa on the banks of which saints who are the anger or heat), and hence resembled both abode of great patience, ever tell the sacred Prabha (the wife) of the lord of light and mantras on their rosaries,--destroy your sing. Jyotsna (the wife) of the Nectar Ray (the
4. May that Sarasvati grant you all Moon). prosperity, who, pleased with Siva's, Vishnu's, 11. From her was a son by name Å mata, and Brahma's prayers, made (the volcanic) well versed in the science of sacrifices, resemAurva (fire), the collective) energy, as it were bling Vishvaksêna (Vishnu) (and) not affected of all rivers a captive, trembling in word-fetters even by strong Kali. in the middle of the ocean.
12. Sajjani, embellished with many gem5. We seek shelter of him whose form is like good qualities, who ever saw her face worthy of worship on account of its lustre, that is (reflected) in the mirror of the footnails of her dark like a cloud, who bears in his lap the god. lord, was the wife of that ocean of virtues. dess Lakshmi that shines with a golden light and 13. A son by name Govinda, with actions (hence) resembles a flash of lightning, --for the white and pure like the Moon, resembling removal of the three torments.
Brahma (and) exhibiting his omniscience occa6. May the form of king Visa la long be an sioned by his proficiency in all arts, was born ornament to this land sacred to Sarasvati, [of | of her, alighting as it were on the lotus-like, Visala) who is the sole home of policy and divine triad (?). valour,--who adorned the land his beloved with 14. He had a wife, the ornament of his his glory, as with strings of pearls, abandoned house, the spotless Suha vÂ(?) by, and gained in battle from, the king of 15. How can a blockhead eulogize Suhava Måla v a.
with his single tongue, when even the koți, (i. e. 7. There is an imperishable place, engaging ten millions or the tip of the tongue of the (the mind of the people) because it is a Tirtha, author of this Prasasti is dumb ? called Nagara, resonant with the voices of 16. To him who fulfilled his sacred duties men reciting the Vedas, under a sky sanctified with her in company-to him who was happy with the smoke of the three sacrificial fires, being freed from the threefold debt, who which clearly proclaims itself as the abode of had bathed in the water of the Rê và (the the god, -who has for his ornaments the lords Nerbudda,) for the purification (suidhi) of of serpents (Siva), -by the adoration (upâsana) his person, thus was rendered (to him) tautolo. of Arya (Ambiká) as well as by the assem- gical the six-yearly vow. bling of Arya's worthy people),-by the love for 17. He, the first leader of those that possess Vrisha, (the bull Nandi) as well as by the love control of their passions, entered the fourth for Vpisha (Dharma), (and) by the beauty of order, travelling the difficult path towards 1 Cl. FFT:
R AUMTET: Klidisa's Vikramor. Ct. AenfTTTT 1. 4 pl. i, Grant No. 11, Ind, musi, Act I, v. I. 1. 4.
Ant. vol. VI, p. 210,