श्री कुन्थुनाथ जी, श्री अरनाथ जी, श्री मल्लिनाथ जी, श्री मुनिसुव्रत जी एवं श्री नमि जिन को वन्दन करता हूं। इसी क्रम में श्री अरिष्टनेमि जी, श्री पार्श्वनाथ जी एवं श्री वर्धमान (महावीर) जी को नमस्कार करता हूं।
जिनकी मैंने स्तुति की है, पापों की रजव मैल से सर्वथा रहित, जरा और मृत्यु से मुक्त, धर्मतीर्थ के प्रवर्तक चौबीसों तीर्थंकर मुझ पर प्रसन्न हों।
जिनका मैंने कीर्तन, वंदन एवं पूजन किया है तथा जो लोक में उत्तम हैं, वे सिद्ध तीर्थंकर देव मुझे आरोग्य, बोधिलाभ एवं उत्तम समाधि प्रदान करें।
जो चन्द्रमाओं से भी अधिक सुनिर्मल हैं, जो सूर्यों से भी अधिक प्रकाशमान हैं तथा स्वयंभूरमण सागर के समान गंभीर हैं, वे सिद्ध भगवान् मुझे सिद्धि प्रदान करें।
Literal Meaning: I sing in praise of twenty four omniscient Tirthankars. They illuminate the entire universe with their knowledge. They establish the spiritual order. They had completely subdued the feeling of attachment and hatred. They had destroyed the karmia enemies that adversely affect the soul.
I bow to first Tirthankar Shri Rishabh Dev and also Shri Ajit Nath. I also salute shri Sambhav Nath, Shri Abhinandan, Shri Sumati Nath, Shri Padam Nath, Shri Suparshva Nath and Shri Chandra Prabhu who had conquered attachment and hatred.
I bow to Shri Suvadhi Nath whose second name is Shri Pushpadant. I salute Sheetal Nath, Shri Shreyans Nath, Shri Vasupujya, Shri Vimal Nath, Shri Anant Nath, Shri Dharam Nath and Shri Shanti Nath.
I bow to Shri Kunthu Nath, Shri Arahnath, Shri Malli Nath, Shri Muni Suvrat and Shri Nami the omniscient. In this very order, I salute Shri Arishtanami, Shri Parshvanath and Shri Vardhaman.
Twenty four Tirthankars in praise of whom. I have spoken may kindly bless me. They are completely free from karmic dust and dirt. They are free from clutches of old age and death; they had established Dharam Tirth (Spiritual order).
The Tirthankar in whose praise I have sung, whom I have saluted and worshiped, they are the best in the world. They may kindly bless me with good health, spiritual knowledge and state of equanimity.
The Tirthankars who have become sidhas are more clean than the moon. They are too bright than the sun. They are self-absorbed like Svayamburaman ocean. They may kindly guide me in the path leading to Salvation.
प्रथम अध्ययन : सामायिक
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Avashyak Sutra