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life of self-restraint. They provide the basic seed of true knowledge. They grant ___dharma. They lecture about dharma. They are the source of dharma. They are emperor of unique dharma that brings an end to roaming in four states of existence.
They have themselves overpowered the inimical karma generating from feeling of attachment and hatred. They also assist others in such struggle. They have crossed the worldly ocean of birth and re-birth and help others in crossing it. They have gained omniscience with their own efforts and provide true knowledge to others. They are liberated from the clutches of karma and help others in the task of liberation.
They have perfect knowledge and perfect vision. They are citadel of welfare. They are stationary and are free from all disease. They have arrived at the permanent abode which is termed as Salvation (Siddha stage) where they shall remain for endless period and they shall never be eliminated from there and shall never come across any obstacle. They have overcome all sorts of fears. I bow to such souls (Jinendras)
Note: Pranipat Sutra is recited twice. In the first recitation word, thanum sampattanum' is uttered while in the second recitation instead of these words, thanum sampavaya-kammanum are uttered. With the words thanum sampattanum, there is obeisance to those souls who have attained salvation while in words thanum samapavayo-kammanum, there is obeisance to such human beings who have attained perfect knowledge and whose ultimate goal is to attain salvation.
विधि : तत्पश्चात् आवश्यक की आज्ञा के विधान के रूप में निम्नोक्त सूत्र पढ़ा जाता
____Procedure: Thereafter, in order to get permission for reciting avashayak, the following aphorism is narrated.
आवस्सही सूत्र आवस्सही इच्छाकारेण संदिसह भगवं! देवसी पडिक्कमणो ठायमि, देवसीज्ञान-दर्शन-चरित्त तप-अतिचार-चिन्तवणा अर्थं करेमि काउसग्गं। ___भावार्थ : हे भगवन्! मुझे आज्ञा प्रदान करें, मैं दिवस-संबंधी आवश्यक करना चाहता हूं। मैं प्रतिक्रमण प्रारंभ करता हूं। दिवस संबंधी ज्ञान, दर्शन, चारित्र, तप आदि साध्वाचार में लगे हुए अतिचारों के चिन्तन के लिए मैं कायोत्सर्ग करता हूं।
Paraphrase: O Lord! Kindly grant me permission I want to recite avashyak relating to the affairs of the day. I start re-capitulation. I undertake meditation
प्रथम अध्ययन : सामायिक
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Avashyak Sutra aararaparmanarayaparmanaras