Bhagavati Sutra Bk. 3 Ch. 1
केवलकप्पं जंबुद्दीवं त्ति भाणियव्वं। सेसं तं चेव णिरवसेसं णेयव्वं णवरं णाणत्तं जाणियव्वं भवणे हि सामाणिएहिं य ।
Q. 8. Bhante ! If Asurendra. Camara, the king of the Asuras, is in possession of a great fortune, ...till a great power to transform, then, Bhante ! how .great is the fortune of Vairocanendra Bali, the king of the Vairocanasi,...till how great is his power to transform.?
A. 8. Gautama ! Vairocanendra Bali, the king of the Vairocanas, is in possession of a great fortune, ...till a great influence. He exercises suzereinty over 30,00,000 bhavanaabodes, and 60,000 Sāmānika gods, the rest being similar to Camara's, the difference being that his power to transform extends for some distance (only) beyond the isle of Jambu-dvipa. (The rest of the description is to be repeated verbatim, without missing anything, special note being taken of the number of bhavana-abodes and of Sāmānika gods.)
सेवं भंते!
सेवं भंते ! त्ति । तच्चे गोयमे वाउभूई जाव...विहरइ।
Bhante ! So they are. Glory be to the Lord! So saying, the third Gautama, monk Vāyubhūti, paid homage and obeisance,...till withdrew to his seat.
[Nāga-king Dharanendra]
___ भंते ! त्ति भगवं दोच्चे गोयमे अग्गिभूई अणगारे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ णमंसइ वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता एवं वयासी :
Bhante ! Addressing thus, the second Gautama, monk Agnibhūti, paid homage and obeisance to Sramaņa Bhagavān Mahavira, and having paid homage and obeisance, made the following submission :
प्रश्न ९-जइ णं भंते ! बली वइरोयणिदे वइरोयणराया एमहिड्ढीए जाव...एवइयं च णं पभू विउवित्तए धरणे णं भंते! णागकुमारिंदे णागकुमारराया केमहिड्ढीए जाव...केवइयं च णं फ्भू विउवित्तए ?