भगवती सूत्र शः ३ उः १
the king of the Asuras, has a great fortune, ...till second section above, ...till the principal consorts. Correct is this description.
सेवं भंते ! सेवं भंते ! ति । Bhante ! So they are. Glory be to the Lord !
तच्चे गोयमे वाउभूई अणगारे समणं भगवं महावीरं वंदइ नमसइ वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता जेणेव दोच्चे गोयमे अग्गिभूई अणगारं तेणेव उवागच्छइ उवागच्छित्ता दोच्चं गोयमं अग्गिभूइं अणगारं वंदइ णमंसइ वंदित्ता णमंसित्ता एयमढं सम्मं विणएणं भुज्जो भुज्जो खामेइ।
So saying, the third Gautama, monk Väyubhūti, paid homage and obeisance to śramaņa Bhagavān Mahāvīra, and having paid homage and obeisance, he repaired to the place where the second Gautama, monk Agnibhuti, was. Having gone there, he paid homage and obeisance to the second Gautama, monk Agnibhūti. and having paid homage and obeisance, he begged in all humility, and again and again, to be forgiven (for not accepting his words).
(Vairocanendra Bali]
तएणं से तच्चे गोयमे वाउभूई अगगारे दोच्चेणं गोयमेणं अग्गिभूइणामेणं अणगारेणं सद्धि जेणेव समणे भगवं महावीरे जाव...पज्जुवासमाणे एवं वयासी:
After this, the third Gautama, monk Vāyubhūti, with the second Gautama, monk Agnibhūti, came to Sramaņa Bhagavan Mahavira,...till worshipped him and made the following submission :
प्रश्न ८-जइणं भंते ! चमरे असुरिंदे असुरराया एवं महिड्ढीए जाव ...एवइयं च णं पभू विउवित्तए बली णं भंते ! वइरोयणिदे वइरोयणराया के महिड्ढीए जाव...केवइयं च णं पभू विउव्वित्तए?
उत्तर ८-गोयमा ! बली णं वइरोणिदे वइरोयणराया महिड्ढीए जाव...महाणुभागे से णं तत्थ तीसाए भवणावाससयसहस्साणं सट्ठीए सामाणियसाहस्सीणं। सेसं जहा चमरस्स तहा बलिस्स वि णेयव्वं णवरं साइरेगं