जीवन के आदिकाल में ही प्रव्रजित होकर चिरकाल तक ( जीवनपर्यन्त ) संयम में विचरण करने वाले, चारित्र - सम्पन्न तथा संयम में प्रगति करने वाले महान् वीर साधुओं ने जो ( परीषहादि) सहन किये हैं; उसे तुम देखो ।
188. The ascetic upholding the profoundly postulated religion and indulging in practices of cleansing, abandons garb (and other things) that exceed the prescribed limit.
In the mind of an ascetic who lives achelak (unclad or scantily clad) there are no such ambiguities as-'My garb is in shreds. Therefore I will beg for clothes, for thread to mend clothes and for needle. After that I will darn the cloth, stitch it, join other piece of cloth if it is short, cut out a portion if it is long. At last I will wear it and cover my body.'
Also, being achela during his practices, he time and again suffers discomfort and pain due to pricks of straw, excesses of cold and heat, and stings of mosquitoes and gad-flies.
An achela ascetic tolerates one or all of these numerous types of afflictions. Becoming spiritually unburdened he establishes himself in austerities.
He should practice equanimity after completely and thoroughly understanding the procedure of achela-practice in the exact form and content as expounded by Bhagavan.
See what all these great and brave ascetics, initiated early in their life, have endured (afflictions) throughout their disciplined life remaining steadfast and ever progressive in their ascetic conduct.
विवेचन- दूसरे उद्देशक में स्नेह त्याग तथा सहिष्णुता का उपदेश दिया गया था । सहिष्णुता की साधना के लिए ज्ञानपूर्वक देह- दमन, इन्द्रिय - निग्रह की भाँति वस्त्र आदि उपकरणों की अल्पता भी अनिवार्य है। इसलिए तप, संयम द्वारा शरीर और कषाय को कृश करके लाघव - अल्पीकरण का अभ्यास करना चाहिए। देह धुनन करने का उत्तम मार्ग इस उद्देशक में बताया गया है।
धुत: छठा अध्ययन
( ३३७ )
Dhut: Sixth Chapter
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