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The seventh chapter of Acharanga Sutra is popularly known as 'Mahaparijna' and it is believed to be extinct. When and why it became extinct or was lost can only be surmised as no written proof is available.
'Mahaparijna' means, to know the faults caused by fondness or attachment with the help of ultimate knowledge or specialized knowledge, and to get rid of them with the help of Pratyakhyan parijna or process of critical self-review.
The commentary (Niryukti) on Acharanga Sutra, which has scattered mentions about this chapter, is available. The commentator (Niryukti) has defined the two parts-'maha' and 'parinna' of the word 'Mahaparinna'. At the same time he has also listed the types of 'parinna'. In conclusion he states that an aspirant should tolerate the afflictions and torments caused by attachment with divine damsels, women, etc. and renounce this with mind, speech and body. This renunciation is called 'Mahaparijna'.
Jain Education International
✦ According to Acharya Bhadrabahu, the commentator (Niryukti), this chapter having seven lessons contained details about afflictions and torments caused by attachment or fondness. Elaborating this the commentator (Vritti) says-"During the spiritual practices of a virtuous and disciplined seeker, if and when there is some obstruction in the form of afflictions and torments caused by attachment, that should be endured with equanimity.
महापरिज्ञा : सप्तम अध्ययन
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Mahaparijna: Seventh Chapter