Shri Mahavir Jain Aradhana Kendra
Acharya Shri Kailassagarsuri Gyanmandir
-20 (In gram. and Mim.) Property considered as the meaning of a class of words; e. g. grammarians recognise four kinds of the meaning of words; FA, TT, क्रिया and द्रव्य, and give गौः, शुक्लः, चल: and डित्थः as instances to illustrate these meanings. -21 (In politics ) A proper course of action, an expedient. The expedients to be used by a king in foreign politics are six:1 सन्धि peace or alliance; 2 विग्रह war; 3 यान march or expedition%
B4 स्थान or आसन halt35संश्रय seeking shelter; 6 द्वैध or द्वैधीभाव duplicity; सन्धिर्ना विग्रहो यानमासनं
4: Ak.) See Y. 1. 316; Ms. 7. 160 ; Si. 2. 26; R. 8. 21.-22 The number three' (derived from the three qualities ). -23 The chord of an arc in geom.). -24 An organ of sense. -25 A subordinate dish ; Ms. 3. 226, 233.-26 A cook.-27 An epithet of Bhima as in
etis yag: Vas. -28 Leaving, abandonment. -29 A multiplier, coefficient (in math.) -80 Division, subdivision, species, kind. -31 The peculiar property of letters which are pronounced with external utterance are 947); they are eleven. -Comp. -
3 4 a principal quality ; Parda; Fanfa27 TT=2a 4a: 9511949 Acha: R. 3. 27. -3TTUT: merit and demerit Ms. 3. 22; 9. 331; 37792 Yuriy Ta: 9 fa s turafa Si. 16. 44. 3cta a. freed from all properties, being beyond them; a uftranft grata: # geta By. 14. 25. (-a:) the Supreme Being. -37 gra the region of the breast where the girdle is fastened. - Carrera connection or association with virtues ; yol yorga care ar 59 R. 1. 22.-37 T: love or appreciation of the good qualities of others; Jur
a neutra atvastu : 9474 Ki. 1. 11. -3 TIST: conformity or suitableness to good qualities. - 3 4 a different higher quality; yttat BISTHITT: M.1.6.-37ffaa, -3993, -y , a. endowed with good qualities, meritorious, worthy, good, excellent. -379a , -farar disparagement, detraction. -TUTETTAH A subsidiary injunction; STYTT YTfor IT M. 8.4.5. -371T: 1 'a mine of merits', one endowed with all virtues; a aceTT 947Hettu ya: Bh. 2. 92. -2 N. of Siva. -3717 a. rich in virtues. -3TICHT a. having qualities. -3TETTT: 'a receptacle of virtues', a virtuous or meritorious person. -3TTTT a. virtuous, excellent. at: 1 the Supreme Being. - 2 the Chitrakuta mountain.-
3 0: excellence of merit, possession of superior qualities. -grafah panegyric, eulogium. -375T a. superior in merit; Ms. 8. 73. -30a a. endowed with good qualities; g augotad waaral S. 1. 12.-31197, - superior or abundant merits. - TFF extolling, praising. -2 a condition or state of mind of the hero of a drama to which he is reduced by Cupid. at the state of an agent of properties; T casto aur da Haryarata: San. K. 20. - n. 1 an unessential or secondary action. -2 (in gram.) the secondary or less imme
diate (i. e. indirect object of an action; c. g. in the example Ratsat go gara a, 394 is a THT 'fawm a. distinguishing an action and an attribute. - Tal f. imputing a figurative meaning, one of the modes of interpreting a sentence. According to it an expression may be understood as conveying not what is actually expressed by it but the quality or qualities thereof. e. g. सिंहो देवदत्तः means प्रसाकरी देवदत्तः; SB. on MS. 1. 2. 1. - rog: a series of subsidiary (details); ga" J HT: Tulozychiat SB. on MS. 5. 1. 24. - a. productive of good qualities, profitable, salutary. (T) 1 a cook who prepares sidedishes or any secondary articles of food. -2 an epithet of Bhima. -3 (in math.) the multiplier. - , -STAT, Efa: f. praise, extolling. - the function of a bow-string; yo u fattar Ku. 4. 15. - TOT: a number or series of good qualities; Bhag. 5.3. 11. - TIFF singing of merits, panegyric, praise. E a. 1 desiring good qualities; Tu799: Bhag. 3. 14. 20.-2 possessing en via ble or good qualities. -I a. appreciating or admiring merits wherever they may be ), attached to merits; appreciative; 9 aval@rafa:Egel Jurat a fagfa: Ki. 2.5. - a woman chaste by virtuous conduct; 377aai gonit HIFTTT ATA Si. -TRUTH appreciating merits. &ta, -2167, - T a. appreciating the merits of others ); sigui fagot: fa: 9ftar gotafut Ratn. 1.4; $i. 20.82; Bv. 1. 9. -OH: a collection of virtues or merits; yety T r afa Bh. 3. 116; Tuula Tua Git. 2; Bv. 1. 103. Saat 9. detractor, envious, censorious. - a. knowing how to admire or appreciate merits, appreciative; paid
THYST Mu. 2; y Jun Jul wafa H. Pr. 47. - , -frauen the three constituent properties of nature; i. e. 489, 74 and 249.314718: life.
art (du.) virtue and vice; F1; Pt. 2. 67. - : the virtue or duty incidental to the possession of certain qualities. -farfet: a store of virtues. - a woman having feet as thin as cords. - Ta great merits; Hyunitat ( 0) Si. 9. 64. 44: excellence of merits, great merit;
y igs99 F#EZHE T THETH Mk. 4. 23. - 19: being subsidiary to something else; na YT2: SB. on MS.4.3.1. - a. perceiving the properties of things; fequi TOT 2 Bg. 13. 14. -HET a superior quality. He: f. a particular method of stringing the bow; cf. are वज्रमुष्टिश्च सिंहकर्णस्तथैव च । मत्सरी काकतुण्डी च योजनीया यथा#44 11 Dhanur. 84. TTT: delighting in the merits of others; yurtit 1972 Erguttaa rah Ks. 2. 51. -TTT: an epithet of Siva - TUT mark or indication of an internal property. -लयनिका,-लयनी a tent. -लुब्धa. 1 desirous of merits. -2 attached to merits. - E H . a ni a word which connotes an attribute or quality, an adjective, or substantive used attributively;
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