VOL. 40, PT. 4, 1950]
the first and second persons. B again shows a preference for a over u.
B tamhe, cf. HS tumhi, P tumhe (110) 'you'
B tamha, cf. HPS tumha (276) 'you'
B majha, cf. HP mujha (277) 'me'
a for i: 23 B has by far the greatest number. There
are a very few occurrences in P, H, and S.
BS tajha, cf. HP tujha (295) 'you'
B tamharum, cf. H tuhāraum, P tuharum, S tuhärau bers of original clusters of two consonants. (292) 'your'
BH nivada, cf. P nivida (16) 'firm'
P vachohiu, cf. BH vichohiu (10) 'separated'
B radhi, cf. HP riddhi (16) 'success'
B nasi, cf. H nisi (26) 'night'
B kumdanapura, cf. HP kumdinapura (31) 'Kundina. pura'
B nasadharaya, cf. HP nişadharaya (51) 'King Nisadha'
B havai, cf. HP hiva (30) 'now'
B bähari, cf. HPS bähiri (113) 'outside'
P pachali and B pachale, cf. H pachile (147) 'after
i for a: 24 There are no occurrences in H and one in S.
B has a greater number than P.
S nirişi, cf. BHP niraşi (75) 'looked'
P ghina, cf. BH ghana (44) 'great'
P vili, cf. BH vali (72) 'then'
B samjima, cf. HP samjama (16) 'restraint' B sahija, cf. HPS sahaja (163) 'naturally'
H tittha, cf. BPS tattha (157) 'sadhu'
P tarasi, cf. BHS tirasi (183) 'thirsty'
B akhira, cf. HPS akşara (256) 'letters' B sahisa, cf. HPS sahasa (258) '1,000'
B kubija, cf. PS kubaji and H kubaja (258) 'hunchbacked'
B didhipanna, cf. HPS dadhipamnaha (259) 'Dadhiparna'
i for u: There are two instances of this, both in B.
B barida, cf. P biruda and H viruda (27) 'songs of praise'
B girüu, cf. P. guruya and H guruya (43) 'great'
u for a: 25 There are a few occurrences of this in all the manuscripts.
S kämthulu, cf. HP kämthalu (56) 'necklace' P buhu, cf. HS bahu (104) 'much'
u for i: There is one occurrence in B.
BH majuna, cf. P majjana (53) 'both'
B kudamba, cf. HPS kadamba (111) 'Kadamba'
23 Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: § 4.1.
24 Cf. ibid., §2.1.
25 Cf. ibid., §2.2.
B gabarima, f. HP gukirima (23) 'gravity' anaptyctic i: 26 In the following i separates the mem
BP namitta, cf. PS nimitta (68) 'for'
H laşita and B lakhita, cf. P likhite and S likhita (66) Original Skt. y is replaced by the following: 'written'
B phari, cf. HPS phiri (97) 'around'
P pumnyasiloka, H pumnasiloka, B punyasiloka (7) 'Punyaśloka'
PH varisantai (19) 'rain' BP pharisa (48) 'touch'
PS kilesa (196) 'sorrow'
In a very few instances a is found instead of i. Compare:
B kalesa, H kalesu, and PS kilesa (196) 'sorrow' BH haraşiya and PS harişia (86) 'delighted' B varasamtai and PH varisamtai (19) 'rain'
There are two instances of the umlauting of a by an i of a following syllable.
B gheri, cf. BP ghari (32) 'house'
P nerimda, cf. HS narimda (152) 'monarch'
ri: rişi (PH 8), cf. B rşi 'rşi'
rişabhadeva (HPS 72), cf. B rşibhadeva 'Rşibhadeva'
ra: śramgara (B 31) 'ornamentation'
varddhi (B 322)
t: simgara (HP 31) 'ornamentation'
simgära (P 53), sinagära (H 53), cf. B srmgära
miga (BS 63), cf. HP mrga 'deer'
There are two occurrences in B of the writing ai for the e of the other manuscripts.
bai (B 114) 'two'
jai (B 277) 'what'
There are words in B in which the vowels of the first two syllables have been interchanged. 28
B mudhari, cf. HP madhuri (24) 'sweet'
B sumjatta, cf. HP samjutta (51) 'together with' B bimdana, cf. HP bamdina (60) 'bard'
B turani, cf. H taruni, S taruni (65) 'maiden' B talikaha, cf. HPS tilaka (103) 'forehead-mark' B havi, cf. HPS hiva (139) 'now'
In stanza 301 all the manuscripts fail to combine the final and initial vowels of words which are ordinarily treated as one compound-rajja abhişeka 'consecration of king' of H and the variants in the other manuscripts. B has four other examples:
26 Cf. Pischel, 1900: §§ 131-140.
27 Cf. MG gher 'home' (locative). 28 Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: § 50.