Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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Page 82
________________ V. GLOSSARY På. pers. Forms are arranged in the order of the devanāgari amgaja 'son' nom. sg. msc.: (Skt. amgajal script. The letters B H P S placed in brackets amgabhüşana 'ornaments' nom. pl. nt.: Icf. Skt. anga, Skt. after a form, indicate that it is found only in those bhusana amgäbharana 'body-ornamentation' acc. sg. nt.: Id. Skt. anga, manuscripts. S (for Stem) marks forms occurring only as members of nominal compounds (with the amgali [P] see amguli exception of the last). Obl. marks nominal forms amgaharana (S] see amgábharana occurring before postpositions and adjectives modify amguli 'finger' inst. sg. msc.; [Skt. angula ing other nominal forms bearing oblique case-suffixes. acarija 'strange happening' nom. sg. nt.: (Pkt. accaria, accaria; Skt. āścarya) These forms have suffixes of the nominative-accusa- acala puri Acalapura' (N. of city) loc. sg. nt. tive, singular, functioning as those of the genitive, aciraju[H]; see acarija ablative, instrumental, and locative. (See discussion ach- acch- 'be'achaum 'am' 1 p. sg. pres. indic.; achai acchai of case-suffixes, under Declension, and note the com 3 p. sg.: (see ch.) paratively few instances of forms with oblique case ajala 'waterless, dry' adj., acc. sg. f.; (cf. Skt. a, privative, and jalam 'water"] suffixes occurring before postpositions.) An exhaus- ajāņi 'ignorant' adj., obl. sg. msc.; nom. sg. f., [Skt. ajñānin) tive etymological study of each form has not been aji 'now' adv. pursued. Cognates and possible cognates are given ajiya 'now' adv.; (cf. aji) in brackets. aju [S] 'now' ajuali (B] ; see ujjīyāli ABBREVIATIONS ajja 'now' adv. ajjuāli [H] ; see ujjtyali abl. = ablative MG - Modern Gujarati amcalagacha 'Ancala gaccha' S. асс. = accusative nt. neuter amcali amcala [B] 'edge of garment' loc. sg. msc.: [Skt. ancala) act. = active noun amjana 'cosmetics' nom. sg. nt.: [Skt. anjana] adj. = adjective nom. = nominative atavi 'forest' nom. sg. f.; afavi loc. sg.: (Skt. afavi] = adverb obl. = oblique afaviya 'forest' nom. sg. f.; see afavi Apbh. = Apabhramsa opt. - optative atthadasa *18'; cf. athadasa; (Pkt. affhadasa) Ar. - Arabic OG - Old Gujarāti athara '18'; cf. adhara; (Pkt. affhara) caus. = causative Palĩ adhāra '18'; cf. athāra, sahasa adhāra '18,000 conj. = conjunction - past participle and 'eating' nom. sg. nt.: (? cf. Whitney's Roots under ad- 'eat' c.p. = conjunctive pass. – passive and anna participle = personal anai 'and' conj. [cf. MG. ane 'and') dem. = demonstrative Pers. Persian anadeşi 'not having seen' c.p.; (cf. MG. anadiffha 'unseen' and e. cmp = end of compound = person dekhvü 'see'; Pa. dakkhiti, dakkhati; Skt. drs-] emph. = emphatic - plural anasana 'vow to abstrain from food until death' nom. sg. nt.: encl. enclitic postp. = postposition (MG. anasan; Pkt. anasana; Skt. anasana) excl. = exclamation Pkt. = Prākrit ana- 'cause to be brought'; anavau grnd., nom. sg. msc.; anavi feminine = precative anaviya (BS) c.p.: (cf. MG. anāvvül fut. = future prep. - preposition atikurupa "very ugly' adj., nom. sg. gen. = genitive pres. = present atikhamli 'extreme self-control' obl. sg. f. cf. Skt. kşānti] grndv. = gerundive – present participle alighaņa "great' adj., nom.-obl. sg. msc.; alighanai inst. sg. msc.; = Hindi pron. = pronoun alighani obl. sg. f., atighana 'very much' obl. sg. f. impv. = imperative = relative aligharu (H) 'very much, great' adj., nom. sg. msc.; alighanaum indef. = indefinite Skt. = Sanskrit nom. sg. nt., atighand nom. pl. nt.: (cf. MG. alighani 'very ind. = indicative sg. = singular much') inf. = infinitive suff. suffix aticitta [H] 'great marvel' obl. sg. nt.; cf. Pkt. citta and Skt. interr. = interrogative vb. = verb cittra 'wonder, extraordinary appearance'] inst. = instrumental VOC. – vocative atisāma "very black' adj., nom. sg. nt.; [atiśyama) loc. = locative = first atisukumäla "very soft' adj., acc. sg. msc. Mar. = Marathi = second atihi[m] 'greatly, very' ady. Māh. = Māhārāstri - third athora 'great' adj., nom. sg. nt.; (cf. Pkt. attkuriya) msc. = masculine adabhatta [H] see adabhuta adabhuta 'marvelous, wonderful' adj., obl. sg.: [Skt. adbhuta] adhakşana "half-instant' loc. sg. msc.; [Skt. ardhaksana) amsue 'tears' inst. pl. nt.; (cf. Pkt. antsuya and Skt. aśru adhakhina [B] see adhaksara akala 'complete' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. akala) adhama 'base, vile' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. adhama) akkhamti'impatience' nom. sg. f.: (Skt. akşanti) adhika 'superior, surpassing' adj., nom. sg. f.; adhika nom. sg. akhira (B) 'syllables' acc. pl. nt.: (see akşara] nt.; [Skt. adhika] aksara "letters, syllables' acc. pl. nt.: [Skt. akşara] adhikau 'surpassing, more' adj., nom. sg. nt.: [Skt. adhika) agadha (HJ 'great' adj., nom. sg. msc.; agadha nom. pl. nt.: anai 'and' conj. (cf. anai (above) and MG. ane] (Skt. agādha anamamta 'not bowing' adj., nom. sg. msc.; (cf. Skt. nam-] agādhu 'great' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. agādha) anamuliu (B] ; see unamuliu aggi 'fire' loc. sg. msc.; [Pkt. aggi, Skt. agni) aniyala 'not fixed' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. aniyata] aghora [B] "dreadful, terrible adj., nom. sg. nt.: (MG. and H. anupama 'peerless, matchless' adj., S.; (Skt. anupama, and d. aghora) anopama (above)] amga 'body, limb' S.; amgo abl. sg. nt.: amgi inst. sg.; amga aneka 'many' adj., obl. pl. msc.; aneki inst. pl. f., aneka obl. amgi loc. sg.: (Skt. anga) pl. f.; [Skt. aneka] 342 p. pl. prec. H. rel. CAN


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