Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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________________ VOL. 40, PT. 4, 1950] juvana [PS] 'youth' nom. sg. nt.; juvani loc. sg.; juvana S.; lef. Pkt. jovana, Skt. yauvana] GLOSSARY juvana [S] 'young' adj., nom. sg. f.; [Pkt. jovvana, Skt. yauvana] juvarajja 'heir-apparentship' nom. sg. nt.; [Skt. yuvarajya] je 'that' conj.; lef. MG. je and see Tessitori, § 111a] je 'if' conj.; lef. jai and Pkt. jai, Skt. yadi] je 'who, which' rel. pron., nom. sg. msc.; jāsa, jasu [H], jasu, jasa [P] gen. sg.: jini, jini inst. sg.; jahim, jiham [B] jihām [B] abl. sg.; [see Tessitori, § 90] je 'who, which' rel. adj., nom. sg. msc.; jini loc. sg.; je nom. pl.; jehe inst. pl.; [see Tessitori, § 90] jeje 'whatever' adj., acc. sg. nt.; [cf. je, and see Dave, p. 143, jejel 1 jethau 'elder' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. jeth, Pkt. jettha, jittha, Skt. jyestha] jena [P] Jinas' acc. pl. msc.; see jina jetalaum as much' nom. sg. nt.; [cf. MG. jeṭlu] jema 'like' postpos. and prep.; [see jima and MG. jem] jeya [H] 'bravo!' excl.; [cf. jaya and see Pkt. jia, jiva, Skt. jiva] jehe [B] 'where' adv.; see jihim jo 'if' conj.; (see ju and cf. MG. jo] jo- 'see'; joi, joai pres. indic., 3 p. sg.: joi, joailm] 3 p. pl.; joi, joya [B] impv., 2 p. sg.; joti, joati pres. pt., nom. sg. f.; joau pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; joi, joi c.p.; jova inf., obl. sg.; [Pkt. jo- joa-, MG. jovi joavau 'see, find out' grndv., nom. sg. msc.; caus. of jojoana 'yojanas' acc. pl. nt.; [cf. Pkt. joana, Skt. yojana, and see joyana] jogi joining' loc. sg. msc.; [Skt. yoga] jogi [H] 'a Yogi' nom. sg. msc.; [cf. Skt. yogin] jodi, jodi [B], jodiya 'joined, put together' c.p.; [cf. MG. jodvu, Pkt. jod-] joy 'see'; joyaim [P] pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; joyati [B] pres. pt., nom. sg. f.; joyau [S] pst. pt. nom. sg. msc.; see jojoyana 'yojanas' nom. pl. nt.; joyana acc. pl. nt.; [cf. joana and Pkt. joana, Skt. yojana] jovana 'youth, youthfulness' nom. sg. nt.; jovana acc. sg.; jovana S.; [cf. Pkt. jovvana, Skt. yauvana] jovana youthful, young' adj., nom. sg. f.; [cf. juvana, juvana, and Pkt. jovana, Skt. yauvana, yauvanin] jovanavai 'possessing youth' adj., nom. sg. f.; [cf. Skt. yauvanavat] josi, josiya [B] 'astrologer' nom. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. josi] jñānī 'wise' adj., obl. sg. f.; [Skt. jñānin] jñāna 'knowledge' obl. sg. nt.; [Skt. jñāna] jñaya [BH] 'information' obl. sg. nt.; [cf. nyaya and Pkt. naya, Skt. jñāta] jhanakāra 'tinkling' inst. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. jhanakar and Skt. jhankära] jhabakävaim brandish' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; [cf. MG. jhabakvi 'start up, be frightened,' and H. jhabkānā 'astonish'] jhamala 'delusion, gleam' nom. sg. nt.; jhamala, jhamali [B], jhamāliim inst. sg.; [cf. Pkt. jhamala] jharajhara 'flow, ooze' nom. pl.; [cf. jharahara and Pkt. jhar'flow, pour out'] jharahara [H] see jharajhara jhalai [P] 'lustre' inst. sg. (= adv.); [cf. MG. jhale and Skt. jhala (f.)] jhalakamta 'shining' pres. pt., nom. pl. msc.; [cf. MG. jhalakvi and H. jhalaknā] jhalajhalaim glisten' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; [see jhalahalai and cf. Pkt. jhalajhal-, jhalahal-, and? Skt. jäjval-] jhalahal- 'glisten'; jhalahalaim, jhalahailaim [H] pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; jhalahalai [BH] 3 p. pl.; jhalahalamta pres. pt., S.; [see jhalajhalaim and Pkt. jhalajhal-, jhalahal-] 351 jhilai join in, follow' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; [cf. MG. jhilvu, jhilvü] jhilai 'bathe' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; [cf. MG. jhilvü] jhujh 'fight'; jhujhaim pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; jhujhamtam pres. pt., abl. sg. (= adv.); [cf. MG. jhujvu, jhujvu, jhujhvū] jhujha 'fight, battle' acc. sg. nt.; jhujha S.; [cf. Pkt. jujha, Skt. yuddha, and MG. jhujhvü (see jhujh-, above)] jhujhāra, jhujhäri [H] 'fight, contest' loc. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. jhujhar (msc.), and see jhujha, jhujh-, above] jhujhu [H] 'struggle, contest' acc. sg. nt.; see jhjha jhumbana 'necklace' inst. sg.; [cf. Pkt. jhumbanaga] jhur- 'grieve, pine away'; jhurai, jhurai, jhürae pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; jhumratam, jhuramti [H] pres. pt., loc. sg. msc., jhūrali nom. sg. f.; [cf. MG. jhurvu, H. jhurnā, Pkt. jhur-] jhasii 'hurt' pass., pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; lef. Skt. jhas-] jhajhai 'great' adv.; [cf. MG. jhajhvi] jhal- 'catch, obtain'; jhalai [P] pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; jhaliu [B] pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; jhäli c.p.; [cf. MG. jhälvu] jhala rays of heat' nom. sg. f.; [cf. MG. jhal] jhika ?'clash' S.; [cf. MG. jhik (f.) 'dashing"] tamka 'rupee' S.; lef. MG. tank, tak (msc.) 'a rupee'), Pkt. tamka, Skt. fanka] falai[m] 'depart, disappear' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; lef. MG. talvi] talakai 'waver, change' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; [cf. tal-, MG. talvi, Skt. fal-, and Pkt. falaval- 'be confused'] talavalai 'be restless, squirm' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; [cf. MG. talvalvi, and Pkt. falaval-] tal- 'reject, drive out'; fäliu pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; fäli pst. pt., nom. pl. f.; taliya c.p.; lef. MG. talvu, H. tālnā, Pkt. talia 'disappeared' and Skt. (al- 'disturb, frustrate'] tharai 'be pleased, delighted' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; [cf. MG. tharvu, Pkt. tharia] thavium [B] 'placed' pst. pt., nom. sg. nt.; [cf. Pkt. thavia, Skt. stha pita] thavarai [H] 'affirm' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; lef. Pkt. thava-, Skt. sthāpay-, and see Tessitori, § 141] thakura lord, master' nom. sg. msc.; thakura obl. sg.; [cf. MG. thakor] thama 'provinces' acc. pl. nt.; [cf. Pkt. thama, thana, and Skt. sthäma] thama 'place, position' acc. sg. nt.; thami loc. sg.; [cf. Pkt. sthaman] das 'bite'; dasii, pass., 3 p. sg.; dasiu, dasiyu [PS] pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. dasvi, Pkt. das-, dams-, Skt. dams-] dabha 'darbha-grass' nom. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. dabh, Pkt. dabbha, Skt. darbha] dila, dilii 'heart' inst. sg. nt.; [see Mehta and Mehta, p. 695, MG. dil dil, and p. 798, dil (nt.) 'heart' (Pers. dil)] dumgara 'hill' nom. sg. msc.; [cf. MG. dumgar and Pkt. dumgara] dümde 'cup' loc. sg.; cf. dumbe dümbe 'cup' loc. sg.; cf. dümde dohala 'pregnancy-wish' nom. sg. msc.; [cf. Pkt. dohala, Skt. dohada] dhal- 'wave, drop down'; dhalai pres. indic., 3 p. sg., dhalaim, dhalamti 3 p. pl.; [cf. MG. dhalvй, Pkt. dhal-] dhali [S] 'lain down to sleep' c.p.; [cf. MG. dhalvu] dhalatau 'reap' pres. pt., acc. sg. msc.; lef. MG. dhālvū] dhilum 'inattentive' adj., nom. sg. nt.; [cf. MG. dhili H. dhilä, Pkt. dhilla] dho- 'give presents'; dhoaim pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; dhoia pst. pt., nom. pl. nt.; [cf. Pkt. dhoa-, dhukk-, Skt. dhauk-] dhola 'kettledrums' acc. pl. msc.; [cf. Pkt. dholla, MG. dhol dhovai [S] 'give present' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; see dho nisani 'drum' inst. sg. msc.; see nīsāņi tau 'from' postpos.; [see Tessitori, § 71] tau 'then' conj., see tu, tava, tuu tam, tum [B], tum, tu [P] 'you' pers. pron., nom. sg.; tujha acc. sg.; tujha, tajha [BS], tuha gen. sg.; tailm] inst. sg.; tujha abl. sg.; tumhe [S], tamhe [B], tumhi, tumha [P] nom. pl.; tumha, tamha [B], tumha, tumhe [P] acc. pl.; tumha, tumhe, tamhe [B], tamha [B] gen. pl.; tumhi, tamhe [B], tumha, tumhi inst. pl.; [see Tessitori, § 86] takşasilapuri 'Takṣaśila' (N. of city) loc. sg. f.


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