Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society
BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTICARITA (TRANS, AMER. PHIL. SOC. sohi (B] 'bright, shining' adj., obl. sg. msc.; (cf. Skt. Sobhin] hähäkära "great lamentation acc. sg. msc.: ld. MG. hahakar sohamma "Saudharma-heaven' loc. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. sohamma, (msc.) 'great lamentation'; Skt. häkära (msc.) 'the exclamation Skt. saudharma)
hā' and hāhākrta 'filled with cries'] soha 'bright, brilliant' adj., obl. sg. msc.; lef. Pkt. soha, Skt. hi emph.; (cf. Skt. hi, and see Tessitori, $ 104] Sobha (adj.)]
hitabuddhi 'friendly intent' acc. sg. f.; (Skt. hitabuddhi] stuli [B] 'praise' acc. sg. f.; [Skt. stuti (f.)]
hitu (S] 'welfare' obl. sg. nt.: (cf. Skt. hita) syara (P] ; see sära 'having best part
hima (H] now, then' adv.; (cf. hiva and MG. hamna] starúpa 'having form' adj., obl. sg. f.; [Skt. svarūpa (nt.)] hiyai [S] 'heart' loc. sg.; cf. hiyai, and hiyadam svāda 'taste' S.; [Skt. svåda (msc.)]
hiyau [P] 'heart' acc. sg.; cf. hīyadam svāda mti tasting' pres. pt., nom. sg. 1.; cf. Skt. svād-, svad-] hiva 'now' adv.; lof. MG. hase] svāmi 'master, lord' S. [Skt. svamin (msc.)]
hivai (S] 'now' adv.; cf. hiva suamiya ; see svami
hivai 'princes' nom. pl. msc.: [cf. Skt. adhipati) sveta [B] 'white' adj., nom. sg. nt.: cf. Skt. sveta]
hitadam [H] 'now' adv.; (cf. hiva and MG, havda]
hivadām 'now' adv.; cf. hiva and MG. havda] ha emph.; (cf. Skt. ha]
hive "then' adv.; [cf. hiva, hivai and MG. have] haii (B] 'heart' loc. sg.: see hiyai
hiam [S] 'heart' acc. sg.; hii inst. sg.; hii (H] loc. sg.: (cf. Pkt. haida ai [B] 'heart' loc. pl.; see hiyadae
hia, hiaya, Skt. hrda ya (nt.) haidume (B] 'heart' acc. sg.: see hiyadam
himdola 'swing' S.; cf. Pkt. dola (f.) 'swing' and Skt. kindola hakarau 'invite' impv., 2 p. pl.: (cf. MG, hakārva, Pkt. hakkar) (msc.) hata "welfare' obl. sg. nt.: lef. Skt. hita]
kiai 'heart' loc. sg.: (cf. Pkt. hia, kiaya, Skt. hrdaya; cf. loc. of hamdika [H] ; see hundika
htm] hathi, hathim 'hand' inst. sg. msc.; lef. Pkt. hattha, Skt. hasta, hiyai 'heart' loc. sg.: [cf. Pkt. hia, hiaya, Skt. hrdaya (nt.)] MG. häth]
kīyadam 'heart' acc. sg.; hiyadae, hiyadai (S) loc. pl.; [cf. Pkt. hathiara 'weapons' acc. pl.; (cf. MG. hathiyar (msc., nt.), Pkt. hiada, hia ya, Skt. hrdaya (nt.)] hatthiyara (nt.)]
humdika 'Hundika' nom. sg. msc.; kumdiki acc. sg.; humdiki hatthiara (H); see hathiara
inst. sg.; humdika voc. sg.; humdika obl. sg. hamti 'slaying' pres. pt., nom. sg. f.; Iof. Skt. han-]
hum, hum 1 p. pron., nom. sg.; mujha, majha, majjha (B), mum, ha ya 'horses' nom. pl. msc.; ha ya S.; [Skt. haya)
müm acc. sg., mujha, mujhaha, majha [B] gen. sg.; maim, mai hayavara 'excellent horses' S.; see haya
[PS], maya [B] inst. sg.; amhe, amha, amhi, amhi (H) nom. pl.; haraum "remove, take away' pres. indic., 1 p. sg.: (cf. amha, ama [P] gen. pl.; mujha obl. sg.; mujha S., (see Tessitori, harasa 'delight' nom. sg. msc.; harașa acc. sg.; haraşiim inst. $ 84] sg.: harasa S.; cf. Skt. harşa, Pkt. harişa]
hamkára "yell, shout' acc. sg.: (cf. Pkt. humkara, Skt. hunkara haraşiu (B), harasiu 'delighted' nom. sg. msc.; harașiya nom. pl. (msc.)] msc.; see harisiu
he excl.; 10. Skt. he, MG, he] harasyai [B] 'delight' inst. sg. msc.; cf. Skt. harsa)
hethali 'beneath' postpos.; (cf. MG, hethal, hethe; see Tessitori, hari 'Hari' S.msc.
$ 101, and Pischel, $ 107] haricamda 'Haricandra' S, msc.
hethi 'under' postpos.; (cf. Pkt. hetha, MG, hethel harimilta "Harimitra' nom. sg. msc.
heta [B] ; see hetu harişiu 'delighted' nom. sg. msc.; harişià [P], harişyā nom. pl. hetu 'cause, reason' inst. sg. msc.: [Skt, hetul msc.; (cf. Pkt. harisia, Skt. harsita
hema 'golden' adj., obl. sg.: (cf. Skt. hema] harişiim (S] 'delight' inst. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. harisia; and Skt. hema mai 'golden' adj., loc. sg. nt.; ldf. Pkt. hemama ya, Skt. harşa (msc.)]
hemama ya halävistim, halavasai [B] fut., 3 p. sg.: (cf. MG, halāvū] hemavai (H] 'golden' adj., loc. sg. nt.; hemavai loc. pl.; lef. Pkt. hava [H] 'now' adv.; see hiva
hemava, Skt. hemavat] hasai (B) 'now' adv.; see hiva
hemavae 'Himalayas' loc. pl. msc.; lef. Pkt. hemavai, hemava ya; havada (B) 'now' adv.; Id. MG, havda]
Skt. haimavata havi [B] 'now' adv.; see hiva
heli 'sport, pastime' inst. sg.: (see Monier-Williams, p. 1305, hamsa 'hansa, king' nom. sg. msc.; hamsa acc. sg.: [Skt. kansa heli = hela (f.) 'sport' has. laugh'; hasai, hasil (H) pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; hasamta pres. helām 'wanton sport' inst. sg. f.; ld. Skt. hela (f.)]
pt., nom. sg. msc.; hasi, hasiya c.p.: (Pkt. has, Skt. has. keva excl.; (see Skt. eua and Tessitori, $ 103] haha 'alas!' excl.; (cf. Skt. haha)
ko-, ku-, hu-, ha- 'be, become'; hour pres. indic., 1 p. sg.; hoi, ha excl.; (cf. Skt. hä excl. of anger, pain, etc.)
hoya (B), kui, hii, huim, huai (BS] 3 p. sg.; huija, kuju (S), hāni 'injury, harm' nom. sg. f.; (cf. Pkt. hāni, Skt. hānij
huja [P] prec., 3 p. sg. (see Tessitori, $ 120, and of the MG. hátha 'hand' nom. sg. msc.; hátha acc. sg.; häthiim (H), hāthi, impv. in -jol; hoisu, hoisum (P] fut., 1 p. sg., hosai [B], hosii, hāthi inst. sg.: (d. MG. häth, Pkt. hattha, Skt. hasta)
hosiim (H), hosi, hoisii (PS), hoisi [P], hoyasi (B), hoyasai [B]. häthi [H] 'with' postpos.; see hätha and ef. sathi of other mss. husii, kusii, hisii, hasi, hasai [B] 3 p. sg.; hutau, kumtau [S] här. "lose'; harai, härae (PS) pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; hari impv., 2 p. pres. pt., nom. sg. msc., hamtām nom. pl. msc., huti, hunti (H),
sg.: harium pst. pt., nom. sg. nt.; hari [B], hariya, harani (S), himta, hati [B] nom. sg. f., hutum, hutum (BS) nom. sg. nt.; haranai [P] c.p.; (cf. MG, harvi, Pkt. hár., Skt. hāray
kuu, huse [P] pst. pt., nom. sg. msc., hún obl. sg., hva, húām [H] hāra "necklace' acc. sg. msc.; [Skt. hara]
nom. pl., hui, hai (B] nom. sg. f., hiu, hiium nom. sg. nt.; huya hāra (H] 'losses' acc. sg. msc.; [Skt. hāra)
pst. pt., nom. pl. msc.; hau [S] pst. pt., nom. sg. msc., hai (H) kari'defeat' nom. sg. msc.; hari acc. pl. msc.; [Skt. häril
nom. sg. f.; (Pkt. ho-, hoa-, Pā. bhara-, ho-, Skt. bhs
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