Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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________________ 360 BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTĪCARITA (TRANS. AMER. PHIL. SOC. bhanai 'say' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; see bhan msc., bhogavium (H) nom. sg. nt.; (cf. MG. bhogavvã, and Pkt. bhamami 'wandering about' pres. pt., nom. sg. f. ; (Pkt. bham-, bhogg-1 Skt. bhram-) bhogāviu [P] 'delighted' pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; see bhogavbhamarā 'bees' inst. pl. msc.; [Pkt. bhamara, Skt. bhramara] bhomi [B] "land' acc. sg. f.; see bhūmi bhaya 'fear' nom. sg. nt.; bhaya inst. sg.: (Pkt. bhaya, Skt. bhayal bhoyana 'food' S.; (cf. Pkt. bhoana, Skt. bhojana (nt.)] bhayu 'fear, danger' nom. sg. nt.; see bhaya bhola panaim 'error, innocence' inst. sg.: (cf. MG, bholpan (nt.), bhar- 'fill'; bhariu, bhariu pst. pt., nom. sg. msc., bharīyā nom. H. bhola pan (msc.)] pl. msc.; bhari c.p.; [of. Pkt. bhar-, Skt. bhr-) bhramti 'mistake, error' nom. sg. f.; bhramli acc. sg.: (cf. Skt. bhara 'mass, abundance' acc. sg. msc.; bhari inst. sg.; bhari loc. bhrāntil sg.: (cf. Skt. bhara] bhara 'filled with' adj., nom. sg. msc. and f.; cf. bhari and Skt. ma'not' adv.; [Pkt. ma, Skt. mā] bhara) mai 'in' postpos.; cf. maim bharatakhamdi 'Bharatakhanda' loc. sg. nt.: [Skt. bharatakhanda) maggi 'journey' loc. sg. msc.: (Pkt, magga, Skt. märga) bharatara "husband' nom. sg. msc.: lof. MG. bharla (msc.) and machara 'envy' acc. sg. msc.: (Pkt. macchara, Skt. matsara] see Bate, p. 538, Braj. bhartār = bharitā (msc.) 'husband'] machari 'envious' adj., nom. sg. msc.: (Pkt. macchari, Skt. matbharathesara 'King Bharata' obl. sg. msc. sarin bharaha "Bharata' inst. sg. msc.; (one of the 63 Cakravartins. machita [B] ; see michatta He first installed images of the 24 Jinas at Mt. Astăpada): Iof. majjana ablution, bath' acc. sg. nt.: [Pkt. majjana, Skt. majjana] Pkt. bharaha, Skt. bharata) majuna (BH) Cablution, bath' acc. sg. nt.; see majjana bharahakhitta land of Bharata' nom. sg. nt.: bharahakhitta S.; majhári "into' postpos.: Ich. Pkt. majha, Skt. madhya; and Pkt. [Skt. bharatakşetra) majhaara) bharahadatta (H) 'Bharata-area' obl. sg.: (cf. bharatakhanda and majjhiri (B] ; see majhari Pkt. datta, Skt. datra (nt.) 'allotted portion, share'; see, also, mamgala 'good fortune, prosperity' S.; [Pkt. mamgala, Skt. Skt. khanda (msc. nt.) 'portion'] mangala (msc.)] bharaadha [B] ; see bharahaddha mamgala 'auspicious, lucky' adj., S.: (Skt. mangala) bharahaddha "half of Bharata' acc. sg. msc.; bharahaddha S.; mamca dais, platform' nom. sg. msc.: (Skt. manca lof. Pkt. bharaha, addha; Skt. bharata, ardha) matamba 'isolated villages' acc. pl. msc.: lof. Pkt. madambal bhari 'filled with adj., nom. sg. msc.; bhari obl. sg.: (Skt. bhari) madamba [S] ; cf. matamba bhāsana 'meditation, purity of mind' S.; [Skt. bhāvana (f.)] mamd- arrange'; mamdiu (PS) pst. pt., nom. sg. msc., mamdium bhavi "blessing' adj., nom. sg. msc.: [Skt. bhävin nom. sg. nt.: [cf. MG, mandvū, Skt. mandbhāşai 'say, speak' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.: (Pkt. bhās., Skt. bhâs-1 mamdana 'ornament' loc. sg. nt.: [Skt. mandana bhāṣā 'talk, utterance' obl. sg. msc.; [Skt. bhāşā] mamda pa "pavilion, mandapam' nom. sg. nt.; mamda pa obl. sg. bhāşyā [PS] ; see bhäşa [Skt. mandapa] bhāṣita 'teaching' acc. sg. nt.: [Skt. bhăşita] mamdau- 'cause to be begun, adorn'; mamdavai pres. indic., 3 p. bhäsura 'shining, splendid' obl. sg. msc. and f.; [Skt. bhāsura] sg.; mamdāviu pst. pt., nom. sg. msc. and nt.; mamdāvīi pass., bhili 'walls' nom. pl. f.; (cf. Pkt. bhitti, Skt. bhitti, MG. bhit] 3 p. sg.: Icf. MG. mamdāvvi; and Pkt. mamd, Skt. mandbhimti [B] see bhili mamdita 'adorned' nom. sg. nt.: [Skt. mandita] bhima 'Bhima' nom. sg. msc.; bhima inst. sg.; bhima obl. sg.: mana 'want, lack' nom. sg. f.: . MG, mana bhima S. mani "mind' loc. sg. msc.; [Pkt. mana, Skt. manas) bhimaratha 'Bhimaratha' nom. sg. msc.; bhimaratha inst. sg. mani, mani [P] 'jewels' S.; [Skt. mani] bhimi 'Bhimi, daughter of Bhima' nom. sg. 1.; bhimi acc. sg.; manika 'jewels, gems' obl. pl. msc.: (Skt. manika bhimi, bhimii (S), bhimiim [H] inst. sg.; bhīmi obl. sg.; bhīmi S. manimaya 'bejewelled' adj., S.; (cf. Skt. manimat 'adorned with bhīmīya 'Bhimi, daughter of Bhima' obl. sg. f.; bhimiyaim [PS] jewels,' manima ya 'formed of jewels') inst. sg.; see bhimi manimai (B] ; see manima ya bhila 'Bhils' nom. and obl. pl. msc.; bhila S.; (cf. Skt. bhilla) manohara 'delighting the mind' acc. sg. msc.; [Skt. manohara) bhuim [S] 'ground' loc. sg. f.; see bhuim mati 'attention, mind' nom. sg. f.: (Skt. matil bhui [P] 'became' pst. pt.; (see bhai and Pkt. bhai; Skt. bhu- mada 'wantonness, rut' acc. sg. msc.; madi inst. sg.; [Skt. mada] bhuim 'ground' loc. sg. f. [Skt. bhu] madira 'spirituous liquor' nom. sg. f.; madirā obl. sg.; [Skt. bhūtali 'ground' loc. sg. nt.; [Skt. bhūtala) madira] bhūpa 'king, emperor' nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. bhupal madhura 'sweet, pleasant' adj., nom. sg. msc.; madhuri nom. sg. bhupati 'kings' nom. pl. msc.; [Skt. bhupati) f.; [Skt. madhura) bhupala 'king' nom. sg. msc.; bhūpāla acc. sg.; bhūpala voc. sg.; mana 'mind' nom. sg. msc.; mana acc. sg., mana inst. sg.; mani, bhupala nom. pl.; [Skt. bhūpāla) mana loc. sg.; mana obl. sg.; mana S.; (Skt. manas) bhumi "land, ground, place' nom. sg. f: bhumi loc. sg.: bhumi manaramga 'wish, desire' nom. sg. msc.: (cf. Skt. manaranjana acc. sg.; [Skt. bhumi (f.)] 'delighting the mind'] bhumipāla ya 'king' S.; cf. Pkt. pala ya (msc.), Skt. palaka (msc.) manarali 'rapture, joy to the mind' inst. sg.: Id. Skt. manas, 'prince, ruler,' and Skt. bhumipāla (msc.) 'king') and MG. rali (f.) 'pleasure, rapture') bhūşana 'ornaments' nom. sg. nt.; bhusaņa nom. pl.; bhūşana manävai 'conciliate, cause to confess' pres. indic., 3 p. sg. and pl.; of. MG, manāuvu; and Pkt. man-, Skt. manloc. pl.; [Skt. bhūşana) manirali [H] ; see manarali bheu 'way, means' acc. sg.; [cf. Pkt. bhea, Skt. bheda (msc.)] manoratha 'wish, desire' acc. sg. nt.; [Skt. manoratha) bheta 'embrace' inst. pl. f.; (cf. MG. bhet (f.)] manohara 'beautiful' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. manohara) bhetī [B]'embrace' inst. pl. f.; (see bheta and MG. bhet (f.)] mamtra 'spell' S.; mamtri (H) loc. sg. msc.; cf. Skt. mantra (msc.) bheda 'sort, kind' acc. pl. nt.; (cf. Skt. bheda] and mantrākṣara (nt.) 'syllable in a spell') . bhoga "pleasure, enjoyment' nom. sg. msc.; bhoga acc. sg.; bhoge, mamtri 'minister' nom. sg. msc.; mamtri acc. pl.; mamiri S.; ldf. bhoga [H] inst. pl.; [Skt. bhoga) Skt. mantrin) bhogakula 'Bhoga-family' S. mamdara 'Mt. Mandara' S. bhogav- "enjoy'; bhogavai pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; bhogavau, bhogavu mamdara (B), mamdari (PB] loc. sg. nt.: [Skt. mandira] (BJ 2 p. pl., bhogavaim 3 p. pl.; bhogavisii, bhogavisti [H], bhoga- mamdiri, mamdira (S] loc. sg. nt.; mamdira acc. pl.; [Skt. manvasai [B] fut., 3 p. sg.; bhogavii, bhogaviyai [P] pass., 3 p. sg.; dira] bhogavatau pres. pt., nom. sg. msc.; bhogaviu pst. pt., nom. sg. mammana 'Mammana' nom. sg. msc.; mammanaha gen. sg.


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