Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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________________ 352 BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTĪCARITA [TRANS. AMER. PHIL. SOC. taji 'lost' c.p.; (cf. MG. tajvī, Skt. taj-; and see tiji) tanau 'of' postpos., nom. sg. msc.; tani nom. sg. f., tani acc. sg. f., tani loc. sg. f.; tanaum, tanu, tanüm nom. sg. nt., tanaum), tanu (H) acc. sg., tanaim, taniim [H] loc. sg., tanā nom. pl.; (cf. Pkt. tanaya and see Tessitori, $ 73.4] tanīim [P] 'thereupon' adv.; see linaim taniya 'grown up' c.p.; cf. Pkt. tania, Skt. tata 'stretched out, grown-up') tanu 'body' loc. sg. nt.; lef. Pkt. tanu, Skt. tanu (f.) and MG. tanu (nt.)] tattha 'sādhu' nom. sg. msc.; (cf. tittha and Pkt. tittha, Skt. littha lattha "there, to that place' adv.; (cf. Pkt. tattha, Skt. tatra) tanaya 'son' nom. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. tanaya, Skt. lanaya tanu 'body' acc. sg. nt.: Id. MG. Ianu (nt.) and Skt. lanu (f.)] tamtu 'thread' nom. sg. msc.; cf. Skt. tantu (msc.)] ta pa 'religious austerity' acc. sg. msc.; tapa nom. pl.; ta pa obl. pl.; ta pa S.; cf. Skt. lapas) ta pana [H] 'sun' S.; [Skt. ta pana (msc.)] ta pana 'sun' S.; [Skt. tapana (msc.)] tama 'darkness' acc. sg. msc.; (Pkt. tama, Skt. tamas) tambola 'betel' nom. sg. nt.: [cf. MG. lambol, Pkt. lambola, Skt. tambula) tamboladara 'betelbox-bearer' obl. sg. msc.; (see tambola, above; and note Pers. suffix, dar 'bearer of, holder') tamhārum [B] "your' adj., nom. sg. nt.; see luhär., lumhartar- 'cross'; tara um, tarüm (B) pres. indic., 1 p. sg.; tariya c.p.; cf. MG. tarvi and Skt. tr-] taramga 'moving to and fro, galloping' adv.; (cf. Skt. laranga (msc.)] tarana [B] 'young' adj., nom. sg. msc.; see taruna taravari (B) 'trees' nom. pl. msc.; see taruvaru taru 'tree' obl. sg. msc.; [Skt. tarul tarana [P] 'youth' nom. sg. msc.; see taruna tarani (P] 'maiden' nom. sg. f.; see taruni taras- 'be thirsty'; tarasi pst. pt., nom. sg. f.; tarasi (B) c.p.: Id. MG. tarasă (f.) 'thirst,' tirasvű and larasvā; and see tirasi] taruna #youth' nom. sg. msc.: (Skt. taruna) laruna 'young' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. taruna] taruni 'maiden' nom. sg. f.; [Skt. taruni) taruyara [H] 'tree' obl. sg. nt.; see taruvaru laruvaru 'trees' acc. pl.; cf. Skt. taruvara (msc.)] tarūara 'tree' obl. sg.: Id. MG. taruvara (nt.), Skt. taruvara (msc.) 1 talaum 'floor' nom. sg. nt.: [cf. Pkt. lala, Skt. tala (nt.)] tava "pomp' inst. sg. msc.; (cf. Pkt. lasa, thava, Skt. stava (msc.)] tava 'then, therefore' conj.; cf. tau, tu taha "then' adv.; (cf. Pkt. taha, Skt. tatha] tahau (H] "there' adv.; (Pkt. taha, Skt. tathā] tām 'so long' conj.; (cf. Pkt. tā (= Skt. tāvat)] tadiya 'palm-leaves' S.; cf. MG. tad (msc.) 'palmyra-palm,' and Monier-Williams, p. 444, tāla (msc.) 'palmyra-palm,' p. 445, tali (f.) 'same' = tādi (Lexical)] tani "stretched' c.p.: (cf. MG. tānva] lata 'father' acc. sg. msc.; täta voc. sg.: (MG. lal (msc.), Skt. tāta) lata 'hot' adj., obl. sg. nt.; (cf. Pkt. tatta, Skt. tapta, MG. tātū] la pasa 'ascetic' nom. sg. msc.; tāpasa nom. pl.: (Skt. Id pasa] ta pasa pati 'chief of the monks' nom. sg. msc. ta pasa pura "Tāpasapura' nom. sg. nt. (N. of city) tapasu (H] 'ascetic' nom. sg. msc.; see tapasa lāma 'then' conj.; (cf. Pkt. tāma and Skt. lāvat] tämma "then' adv.; (cf. Pkt. tāma, tāva, and Skt. lāvat] lāya 'father' nom. sg. msc.; lâya S.; [Skt. lala, MG. lal] lämva 'then' conj.; (cf. täsa, tämma and Pkt. tava, Skt. lavat] tāmvi [B] "then' conj.; see tāmva täva 'then' conj.; (cf. Pkt. tāva, Skt. lâvat] tikhasila pura [B] ; see taksa silāpuri liji 'lost' c.p.; cf. MG. tajua and Skt. Iya;-) tāhi (B] "there' adv.; (cf. Pkt. tähe] tini 'then, therefore, thus' adv.; lof. inst. loc. sg. of te (pron.) and Tessitori, $111) littha [B] 'sadhu' nom. sg. msc.; (see tattha and cf. Pkt. tittha, Skt. Vittha tittha (H] 'there' adv.; see tattha tima 'so, thus,' conj.: (cf. Pkt. lima] tiras- 'be thirsty': tirasi [P] pst. pt., nom. sg. f.; lirasi c.p.; cf. tarasi, and MG. tarasvā, tarasa (f.), tirasvū] tilaka 'forehead-mark' nom. sg.; tilaka inst. sg.; tilaka acc. pl.; tilaka S.; lef. MG. tilak (nt.), Skt. tilaka (msc., nt.)] liva [P] see tava 'then tihām 'there' adv., see abl. sg. of te (pron.) tihi 'tithi, lunar day' S.; [cf. Pkt. tihi, Skt. tithi (msc., f.)] tihim there, therefore' adv.; see abl. sg. of te (pron.) lihu yana "the three worlds' loc. sg. nt.; cf. Skt. Iribhuvana] tīņaim 'then, thereupon' adv.; cf. inst. sg. of te (pron.) and see Tessitori, $ 90] tini'at that time, then' adv.; cf. inst.-loc. sg. of te (pron.)] tira 'shore, bank' nom. sg. nt.: [Skt. lira] tīratha "holy place, pilgrimage site' loc. sg. nt.; tiratha S.; [Skt. tirtha] tu "then' conj.; cf. lau, tava luu 'then' conj.; lef. tau, tava and see Pkt. lu, Skt. tu) tumhari [S] 'your' adj., obl. sg. f.; cf. tuhār-, ta mharturamga "horses' acc. pl. msc.; [Skt. turamgal turana (B] 'youth' nom. sg. msc.; see laruna turani (B] "maiden' nom. sg. f.; see taruni turita 'quickly' adv.; cf. MG. turat (adv.j] turamti 'hastening' pres. pt., inst. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. Eur, Skt. Ivar-) tulācāra [H] 'worthy conduct' nom. sg. msc.; (cf. Skt. tulya, acara] tuhāraum (H), tuhárum, tuharau [S] 'your' adj., nom. sg. nt.; tuharum obl. sg. nt.; tuhāri obl. sg. f.; [see tumhar, tamhär-, and cf. Pkt. tuhara, Apbh. tuhārau) tuhi [B] "nevertheless' conj.; see tohi tūmki 'reviling' c.p.: ld. MG. tükāro (msc.) 'addressing with disrespect' and Pkt. tumkiya, Apbh. fumki] tūthau 'delighted' nom. sg. msc.; [cf. Pkt. tuftha, Skt. tusta) te 3 pers. pron., nom. sg. msc., te acc. sg., lasu, lasa (B), tāsa, tassa [S], tasu, gen. sg., tini, tenai [B] tīņaim, tīnai (BH), lini inst. sg., lini loc. sg., le nom. pl., te, laya, taya (P), teya (B] acc. pl.; le nom. sg. f., te acc. sg. f., tasa, tasu (H], lasa [P], tasu (H) gen. sg., lini, tenai [B] teni [B] tini inst. sg.: ld. Tessitori, 90] te 'that' dem, adj., nom. sg. msc., tini, tenai (B] inst. sg.; te acc. sg. f.; see te, above tejum, teji [B] 'splendor' inst. sg. nt.; (Skt. lejas] ted- 'invite, summon'; tediu, tedau (H) pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; tedia (S], tedi c.p.; cf. MG. tedvū] tedão- 'invite, summon'; tedāvai pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; tedaviu pst. pt., nom. sg. msc., tedavya nom. pl. msc.; cf. MG. tedava] tenai (B] "then' adv.; cf. inst. sg. of te teni (B] "then, at that time' adv.; cf. inst. sg. of te tetalaum as much' adj., nom. sg. nt.; d. MG. tefla] teta 'so much' adj., nom. pl. msc.; tete acc. sg. nt.; cf. H. tela (adj.) 'so much'] tehai 'therefore' adv.; [cf. Pkt. tehim to "then' conj.; cf. tu, tau, tava loi 'then' conj.; cf. tohi torana 'arch' inst. sg. nt.; torani loc. sg.; torana S.; cf. Skt. Lorana] tolai 'equal, estimate' pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; (cf. MG. tolva, Pkt. tol-, tul-, Skt. tolay-l tohi 'nevertheless' conj.; lef. tuhi and H. tohi; and cf., also, tu, tau, tava, to] trahi [P] 'went' c.p.: [cf. Skt. trakh-'go,' Monier-Williams, p. 457) träfhau 'frightened' pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. taffha, Skt. tras-, MG. trāsvā] Irāsa "terror' acc. sg. msc.; [Skt. Irāsa] träsavya 'frightened off' pst. pt., nom. pl. msc.; cf. Skt. Iras-) tripata 'satisfaction' nom. sg. f.; cf. Skt. Irpia (f.)] tredi ? 'nature' nom. sg. f. thambha 'pillar' acc. sg. msc.; [Pkt. thambha, Skt. stambha)


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