Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society
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gah- 'receive, seize'; gahiu pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.: gahiya [HP]
c.p.: [Pkt. gah-, Skt. grahgahagah- 'tremble with excitement'; gahagahaim pres. indic., 3
p. pl.; gahagahamta 'delighted' pres. pt., nom. pl. msc.; gaha- gahiu pst. pt., nom. sg. msc., gahagahī nom. sg. f., gahagahi loc. sg. nt. gahagahi c.p.; [of. Pkt. gahagah- 'be filled with joy, and H. gahgahānā 'quiver, undulate') gahigah- 'tremble with excitement'; gahigahii (B) pres. indic..
3 p. pl.; gahigahiu (BH) pst. pt. nom. sg. msc.; gahigahi pst.
pt., loc. sg. nt.; see gahagahgaim sing' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; see ga- 'sing' ga- 'sing': gāim pres. indic., 3 p. sg., gāim 3 p. pl.; gaiyu, gãiu
[BH] pst. pt., nom. sg. msc.; (MG. gāvī, Pkt. gã-, Skt. gai-) gāja "praise' nom. sg. nt.: (Pkt. gajja, Skt. gadya) gājamtaim 'roared' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; I. MG. gājvū 'roar,
be very famous, Pkt. gani-, Skt. garygādhaum 'tight, firm' adj., obl. sg. nt.: [Pkt. gādha, Skt. gādha gādherau 'greatly, extremely' adv.; cf. gadhaum and see Tessi-
tori, $ 79, gádheradau, comparative) gana (S] 'song' nom. sg. nt.: [Skt. gāna] gana song nom. sg. nt.; [Skt. gāna) gama 'village' nom. sg. msc.; gama nom. pl.: gama obl. pl.: (Skt.
grāma] gäravau 'pride' obl. sg. msc.; Iof. Pkt. garava, Skt. gauraval gāvai (B] 'sings' pres. indic., 3 p. pl.; [MG. gavü, Pkt. gå-, Skt.
gai-) giniya [H] 'counted' c.p.; see gangiri 'mountain' loc. sg. msc.; giri S.; (Skt. gir (msc.)] giruadi (B] 'greatly' adv.; see garwadi girūu [B] 'great' adj., nom. sg. nt.; girui [B] loc. sg. msc.; girūu
[B] obl. sg.: cf. guruya and Pkt. garua, Skt. guruka] gīta 'song, singing' acc. sg. nt.; gita inst. sg.: gita S.; [Skt. giya 'songs' acc. pl. nt.; [Pkt. gīya, Skt. gīta) gunai 'recite, recall,' pres. indic. 3 p. sg.: guniya [B] c.p.: (Pkt.
gun., Skt. gunayguna 'virtue' acc. sg. msc.; guni [BH] inst. sg.; guna inst. sg.;
guna loc. sg.; guna nom. pl.: gunihim inst. pl. (see Tessitori,
$ 60, for termination); guna S.; [Skt. guna) guni 'virtuous, possessing merit' adj., nom. sg. msc.; gunaha
gen. sg.: (Pkt. guni, Skt. gunin] gunajana "possessing excellent qualities' adj., nom. pl. msc.;
[cf. Skt. jnana (nt.) 'knowledge and gunajna (adj.) 'appreci
ating good qualities' gunajutta 'possessing virtues' adj., obl. sg. msc.; cf. Skt.
gunayukta] guna pāņi [H] 'excellent' adj., voc. sg. f.; Id. Skt. gunatva (nt.)] gunamai [B] see gunamaya guna maya 'worthy, virtuous' adj., obl. sg.msc.; [Skt. guna maya] gunarasi 'heap of virtues' nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. gunarasi) gunavamta 'virtuous' adj., nom. sg. msc.; gunava mti (S), guna
vamta nom. sg. f.; [Skt. gunavat] gupati 'restraints' acc. pl. f.; cf. Skt. gupti (f.) 'restraint (of
body, mind, speech)] gupha "cave' loc. sg. f.; (MG. gupha] guranīya 'female guru, nun'S.; (cf. Pkt. guruni (f.) and guruniya,
above] gurasa [B] see gaurava guru 'guru' nom. sg. msc.; guru inst. obl. sg.i guru S.;
[Skt. guru) guru 'grave, great' adj., nom. sg. msc.; guri inst. sg. msc.; [Skt.
guru guruu (H) 'great' adj., nom. sg. nt.; gurui [B), gurúi, loc. sg.
msc.; see garūu and girūu, cf. Pkt. gurua, Skt. guruka) guruniya [H] see guranīya guruya (H] 'great' adj., obl. sg. msc.; see following gurüya "great' adj., obl. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. gurua, Skt. gurukal guhatau 'concealed' pres. pt., S.; (cf. Skt. guhguhavau (H] 'concealed' adj., S.; cf. guhatau guhira 'deeply, loudly' adv.; [Pkt. guhira; cf. Skt. gambhira] guhirahiya 'noble-hearted' adj., nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. gambhira,
hrda ya]
guhirima 'gravity' S.;[cf. guhurima and Pkt. guhira; see Monier
Williams, p. 346, under gambhira) guhurima [B] see guhirima gūdi 'festive poles' nom. pl. f.; [Belsare, p. 365, gudi (f.) 'pole
erected on occasions of joy'l gelaim [B] see geliim, following geliim 'afterwards' adv.; (cf. MG. gel (adv.) 'following, after'] gojha 'secret' obl. sg. nt.; (cf. Pkt. gujjha, Skt. guhyal gopavi, gopavīya [B] 'concealed' c.p.: lof. MG. gopawa] gramtha 'grantha, text' acc. pl.msc.; [Skt. grantha ghaţikā '= hour' acc. pl. f.; [cf. Skt. ghafika (f.)] ghadi 'hours' acc. pl. f.; (cf. Skt. ghatika] ghana 'cloud' obl. sg. msc.; [Skt. ghana] ghana 'great, many' adj., obl. sg. nt., ghana, ghanan nom. pl.;
ghapaim inst. sg. msc., ghanā nom. pl., ghana acc. pl.: ghani
obl. sg. f.; (cf. Pkt. ghana, Skt. ghana] ghanaum, ghanum [H] "much' adv.; see ghana ghanumya (B] 'greatly' adv.; cf. ghanúa and ghana ghania [P] 'greatly' adv.; cf. ghanumya and ghana ghana 'shrine' nom. sg. msc.; (see Monier-Williams, p. 376,
ghana (msc.) peculiar form of temple'] ghana (B), ghani 'great, heavy' adj., loc. sg. msc.: (Skt. ghana) ghanasara 'camphor' S.; [Skt. ghanasära (msc.)] ghara "house, palace loc. sg. msc.; (Pkt. ghara, Skt. grhal gharacei (B); see gharacei ya gharaceiya 'house-shrines' acc. pl.msc.; cf. Pkt. ceiyaghara
(msc.) 'temple of Jina,' and Skt. caitya (msc.), grha (msc.)] gharanau 'of the house' adj., nom. sg. msc.; cf. Pkt. gharani,
gharini, Skt. grhini ((.) and grhin (adj.)] gharini 'wife' acc. sg. f.; [Pkt. gharini, Skt. grhini) ghau "beaten' nom. sg. msc.; cf. Skt. ghala) ghamca 'obstacle' inst. sg. f.; (cf. MG. ghac] ghāta 'silk garment' nom. sg. msc.; cf. MG. ghäfpot 'kind of
silk cloth,' and Pkt. ghaffa (msc.)] ghāta [B] "great, thick' adj., obl. sg.: (cf. MG. ghātā] ghāta 'death' nom. sg. msc.; [Skt. ghata] gharin 'disordered by poison' nom. sg. msc. : (d. Pkt. gharia,
Skt. gharita ghal- throw'; ghālai pres. indic., 3 p. sg.: ghaliu pst. pt., acc.
sg. nt.: . Pkt. ghallgheri [B] "house' loc. sg. msc.; see ghara and cf. MG. gher, loc.
sg. msc. ghora 'severe, awful' adj., obl. sg. msc.; [Skt. ghora]
c- 'of' postpos., ci nom. sg. f.;cu [H] nom. sg. msc.; see Tessitori,
$ 73; and cf. Mar. C-postposition cautha 'four-meal fast' S.; cf. Skt. caturthakālam (adv.) 'at
fourth mealtime, at evening of every second day of anyone's
fasting' canthi "fourth day' nom. sg. f.; (cf. MG. coth (f.) 'fourth day'
and Skt. caturthi (f.)] caumäsi 'four months of rainy season' loc. sg. nt.; cf. Pkt.
cumāsa, Skt. catur māsa] cauvīsa 24'; [Pkt. cauvisa, Skt. caturvimšati] causala 'four-halled palace' loc. sg. msc.; [Skt. catuhsala) causāla 'square' adj., nom. pl. nt.: [cf. MG. cosalu (nt.) 'a block'
and corasa (adj.) 'square'; cf. Skt. catuhśāla) caki 'from' postpos.; (c.p. of cak-, cf. Skt. cak- 'repel') camcala 'unstable, capricious' adj., nom. sg. nt.; [Skt. cañicala) camiga 'happy, handsome' adj., nom. sg. msc.; camga nom. pl.
msc.; cf. MG. cang, Pkt. camga, Skt. camga] cad-'climb up, mount'; cadium, cadiu, cadiyau (H) pst. pt.,
nom. sg. msc.; cadi, cadiya c.p.; (cf. MG. cadva, Pkt. cadcadana 'climbing' nom. sg. nt.; (Pkt. cadana] cadav- 'cause to mount, cause to be placed upon'; cadavai (B)
pres. indic., 3 p. sg.; cadāvi impv., 2 p. sg.; cadāvi, cadaviya
c.p.; cf. MG. cadāvvū, Pkt. cadāviya cadevi "mounted' c.p.: (cf. MG. cadvü, cadhow] camdúyā [H] 'hall' nom. pl. msc.; see camdruya catura 'wise' adj., acc. sg. msc.; catura acc. pl.; [Skt. catura] caturi 'widsom' inst. sg. nt.; (Skt. catura (nt.)]

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