Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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________________ 336 BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTICARITA (TRANS, AMER. PHIL. Soc. on she saw sa creature) in the form of a rākşasa. The she came to the city of Acalapura. (184) She sat god, pleased, granted Bhimi a boon. She asked, "Will down under a veranda near a bathing-pool and looked I ever find Nala?" (172) "At the end of twelve years despondently towards the city. while you are living in your father's house you will At that time Rtuparna was king in the city and his find your husband." Upon hearing the god's reply, queen was the blessed Candrayaśas. (185) Through [so] harsh, Davadanti took a severe vow: (173) "Red the maid's talk she was made known to the queen things, unguents, betel, decorations, baths, thread, who] sent her companion to fetch her. She was not sandal and tilak-paste, singing and dancing, the rasas, recognized and, protected with great honor, dwelt daily eating habits-until I find Nala, them will I with her daughter, Candravati. (186) She used to sit avoid." (174) Davadanti went to stay) in a moun- in the alms-house outside the city. One day) a thief tain-cave. She made a figure of the Jina Sānti from by the name of Pingala was sheltered by her in pity. sand and worshipped it; and observed a four-meal fast, She, in compassion, caused him to learn samyama breaking it by eating fruit that had fallen on the control) from an excellent muni. On the instant he ground and water. (175) became a superb god and, approaching, reverenced The leader of the caravan came there with the Davadanti. [Then,) attaining heaven, he released a caravan. There also came ascetics in great zeal. shower of gold in radiant splendor. (187) Vasanta asked about the shrine which had been set up When he heard the state of affairs of Nala and at the well by Davadanti, who appeared like a god- Davadanti the mind of Bhima was filled with heavy dess. (176) She preached the Doctrine of the prince sorrow, along with the multitude in his harem. (188) of the Jinas and all the ascetics were converted with He then sent out many messengers to look for Nala a celebration. [In connection with this the good and his wife. There arrived at Acalapura in his search leader of the caravan founded there a city named the courtier Harimitra. (189) Catching sight of Tāpasapura and erected an elegant shrine to the Davadanti at the asylum, he fell at her feet, and Jina. (177) hastening back, informed Candrayaśas and Rtuparna. Sinhakeśarin, the son of Kübara, who had been (190) The king and queen, having recognized their married, came to the mountain and, receiving initia- niece, themselves bestowed upon Davadanti in affection from the guru Yaśobhadra, became in five days a tion suitable care. (191) The king sent her with a receptacle of perfect knowledge. (178) At a festival great retinue to her parents' home on the advice of the which was inaugurated Bhimi, the [Brāhmanical] ab- virtuous youth [and] she arrived at Kundinapura. (192) bot, who had been purified, and Vasanta saw the gods Then, her mother and father met her with great shining bright. At night they climbed the mountain elation. She fell at the feet of her foster-mother, and worshipped the kevalin. He caused all to hear weeping at her separation from Nala. (193) Taking the praise of the law. (179) Then, there came a god her by the hand, she drew Davadanti (to her) and who had been the ascetic Karpara. He worshipped embraced her, saying, "Daughter, do not grieve. You the kevalin. Blessing Bhimi, he said that, when in a will achieve happiness." (194) Taking her home, serpent's body, she had drawn him from his hole. He they declared a festival. When they asked her the had nurtured anger and was then plucking the fruit whole story, she, weeping, related what had happened of it. (180) to her and Nala before this. (195) "If you have reThe happy abdot took dikşam from the guru of the turned alive (after wandering) unharmed in a forest so kevalin, when the latter had become a siddha (i.e., had dense, then Nala also will come back. Be not at all died and reached nirvāṇa). He kept his guru in his grieved." (196) They calmed their daughter in this own town for the four months of the rainy season), fashion (and), happy, paid devotion to the Jinas and and Vasanta became a lay disciple, a veritable heap the gurus there. And Davadanti stayed there of virtues. (181) content. (197) Davadanti stayed there in a lonely spot for seven After he had left the daughter of Bhima and, while years, absorbed in the contemplation of the Jinas and he was wandering about pining in his heart, Nala saw the gurus. [Once] she heard a remark of a concealed in a piece of timber a fire (which) in a day spread traveller. Through love of Nala, she came out of her through the forest. (198) "O King Nala of the cave not knowing where to look for him]. (182) Ikşvāku race, save me. Aid me who am reaping the While wandering about during the night she became fruits of a previous birth." [This was in human thirsty and caused a dry stream to have water. The voice. (199) "Through my knowledge I am aware of lady, directed by the sound of people's conversation, your name and family." Then, Nala saw speaking in was accepted into his caravan by Dhaņadeva. (183) this fashion a snake in a deep pit. (200) Nala caused The etiquette due a sister was practiced towards her the snake, which was under enchantment, to seize his by a brāvaka who was worshipping the Jina Malli.25 garment (which he had reached out to it) and, when She was pleased then to join the caravan. In due time he was releasing it in a dry place, it bit him on the 24 Instruction in the Jain religion. left hand. (201) "[This is the nature of a snake," 25 The nineteenth Tirthakara. said Nala. "One who, as is proper, does a favor by


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