Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society
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293 Singular
much, jetalaum 'as much,' and ketalaum 'how much.' Nominative kavana (9), kuna (287)-masculine For variants and the other forms see the vocabulary. kavana (interrogative adjective):
Numerals 57 Singular
Cardinals: Nominative kavana (251), kuna (268)-feminine
1. eka (121), ika (216), iga (312) kuna (277)-neuter
2. be (107), doya 58 (B 168) Accusative kuna (214)-feminine
bihum (83), behum (P 91)-accusative koi (indefinite pronoun):
behū (314)-nominative plural Singular
behú (13)-accusative plural Nominative koi (17), [koya (B 17)]-masculine
3. no occurrence. Cf. ti-of tihūyana 'the koi (229)-neuter
three worlds.' Accusative kahi (123), kiha (PS 123)-masculine 4. no occurrence. Cf. cau--of cauvīso 24.' koi (indefinite adjective):
See glossary for other examples.
5. pāmca (154), pamca (314) Singular
6. cha (249) Nominative ko (78), koi (240)-masculine
7. säta (182), satta (22) ka (93), kāmi (B 93)-feminine
8. atha (39) Accusative kāīm (P 196), kāi (H 196), kāmī 10. dasa (161), dahu (B 161) (196)-masculine
12. bāra (313) Plural
15. panara (322), panaro (B 322) Accusative kai (101), [kaya (H 101))---masculine
18. athadasa (B 43), asthadasa (43), adhāra
(258), athara (39) je (relative pronoun):
24. cauvīsa (14) Singular
25. pamcavīsa (257) Nominative je (74)-masculine
36. cattīsa (29), chatrisa (B 29) Genitive jāsa (322), jāsu (H 322), jasu (240),
72. bahuttari (28) jasa (P 240-masculine
100. sau (154), [su (BH 154)] Instrumental jini (65), jāņi (164)-masculine
500. pamcasata (142), pamcasaim (216) Ablative jahim (68), jāhām (B 68), jihām (B
1,000. sahasa (258), sahisa (B 258) 157)-masculine
18,000. sahasa adhāra (258) je (relative adjective):
Ordinals: Singular
second. biji (BH 251)-locative singular, feminine Nominative je (6)-masculine
fourth. cauthi (246)-nominative singular, femiLocative jiņi (212)-masculine
nine Plural
fifth. pamcama (22)-accusative singular, masNominative je (277)-masculine
culine Instrumental jehe (64)-masculine
sixth. chathau (23)-accusative singular, masjeje 'whatever' (relative adjective):
culine Singular
CONJUGATION Accusative jeje (115)
This section treats of verbal roots, the base-forming savi 'all' (adjective):
suffixes marking tense and mood, the personal endings Singular
(the suffixes marking person and number), and the Nominative sahu (17), sahu (137), sahū-a (292),
nominalizing suffixes (i.e., suffixes which, when added sahūm (HP 279)-masculine
to a verbal base, are followed by case-suffixes rather Instrumental sahūi (270)-masculine
than by personal endings). Under the last are disPlural
cussed the formation of the bases of the infinitive and
the participles-the present, past and conjunctive Nominative savi (68), save (206)-masculine
participles, and the gerundive. Accusative savi (43), save (30)-masculine
57 Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: $8 80-82. Other pronominal adjectives are: isiu 'of this sort, adjectives are: 1314 of this sort,
** Ct. ibi
68 Cf. ibid., p. 24, where he lists the use of 'do' as a Marwāri jisiu 'of which sort,' kisiu 'what sort?' tetalaum 'so characteristic.

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