305 second person with oblique case suffix and the post
C. Noun, Participle. positions nai(m) and prati.
astăpada-bhaņi jātau (10) 'I am] rāu bhaņai bhīmi-naim (268) 'the king said
going to Mount Aştāpada' to Bhimi'
prasanna hūā rāu rānī be-u (9) 'both mujha-naim diu davadamti (278) 'give me
the king and queen were mollified' Davadanti
samgha vichohiu hum tumhi (10) 'I hosii vali nala-naim e räja (143) 'this realm
[have been separated from my will again be Nala's'
sangha by you pratihäri davadamti-prati ima bhanai
hūã khiradamdira deva (22) '(they] (67) "the female-usher spoke thus
became Kșiradandira-gods' to Davadanti'
ūtara pura-bāhiri ghanā bhimi karāryā
rāyaham-tana (44) 'many camps II. Examples of Sentence Types.
[were) caused to be erected outside 1. Minor Sentences.
the city for the kings by Bhima' rāya (10) o King'
e savi ävyā desa pati tuha vivāhajaya jaya (27) 'bravo! bravo!'
nimitta (68) 'all these kings (have) re nala (79) 'you, Nala! tāta (240) 'father'
come to wed you' 2. Full Sentences.
hiva savi sājana harasīyā (86) 'now a. Equational.
all good folk (were delighted' A. Noun, Noun.
pura-bāhiri nīsariu hasamta (145) patarāņi tasu vīramai (4) 'his chief
'cheerfully, [he] left the city' queen' (was] Vīramati'
nala baithau pasi (156) 'Nala sat à dadhipanna narimdavara sumsa
down nearby mārapura nāhu (69) "this [is]
nala nisariu videsi (158) 'Nala started Dadhiparņa, a most excellent
out for foreign lands' monarch, lord of Sumsamärapura'
phiratau aviu acala puri phulabadüya camdarāju ikhāgukula bhūşana ā
harimitta (189) 'wandering about, gunavamta (70) this [is]
the courtier, Harimitra, arrived at Candrarājā, the embellishment of
Acalapura' the Iksvāku race, full of virtue'
b. Narrative. à ravivamsa vatamsa sama somadeva
rāja karai tihām rüyadaum mammana balavamta (70) 'this [is] the mighty Somadeva-like an ornament of
nāma naresu (4) 'a king, Mammana
by name, ruled (lit., made rule) well the solar race'
there' tujha pīya nişadha hūm (204) 'I (am] your father Nişadha'
bhoga anopama bhogavaim (16) '(they) tasa hüm sūāra (218) 'I am) his
enjoyed unparalleled bliss' cook'
tasa sīņai dhammo (20) '[they) learned hum nala-nā gharanau sūāra (235)
the dharma from him 'I [am] Nala's private cook'
dījai ghana dāņa (26) 'many gifts were tīņi nagari raja ritupamna (185) 'at
given that time, Rtuparņa (was) king in
holaim bamdiņa biruda (27) 'bards sang the city'
poems of praise' B. Noun, Adjective.
dini dini vädhai nala kumāra (28) nişadha rāu bahumāni (72) 'King
'Prince Nala throve day by day' Nişadha [is] held in high esteem'
rājā dii bahu dāna (36) 'the king gave nala davadamti be navaramga (106)
many gifts' 'Nala and Davadanti [are] both
sakala desa-nā āvaim rāya (50) 'the kings fresh'
of all the countries came'