Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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Page 44
________________ 304 BENDER: THE NALARAYADAVADANTICARITA (TRANS. AMER. PHIL. SOC. In equational sentences, where the nominal form of putti ma 111 chamde niya priya bhatti (101) the second part is a participle, and in narrative sen daughter, do not neglect proper conduct tences, where the verb is replaced by one of the verbs, and devotion to your husband' ch- 'be,' tha- 'become,' ho- 'become,' and a nominal ta pa-vina siddhi nathāi 111 (65) 'without reform as predicate complement, the nominal form ligious austerities there is no perfection' agrees with the subject in gender, number and case. When the nominal form is a past participle formed on baithī vāvi varamdī-hethi (185) 'she sat down the base of a transitive verb, the actor is represented under a veranda near a bathing-pool' by a nominal form with instrumental suffix. mujha pani jäevaum hoi täsa-säthiim (253) 'I must go with him then' bhimiim ghari āniu dadhipamna (265) pura-bāhiri nīsariu hasamta (145) 'cheer'Dadhiparna (was) taken to the palace fully, he went out of the city' by Bhima' tujah-naim pihari rahitām 112 ... milisii davadamti dithi save . . . rãe (62) 'Dava bharatāra (173) 'while you are living in danti (was) beheld by all the kings' your father's house, you will find your ... tini baduim... nalanataka mamdium husband' (228) 'the tale of Nala (was enacted mujha jīvatām 112 pani kavana vīra pariņai by the Brāhman lad' davadamti nārihira (252) 'while I am tumhi ānau chau (273) (1) 108 have been alive, however, what man will marry brought by you' that jewel of a woman, Davadanti?' ima sura vacana suņia kathora lii davadamti The attributes of the verb are adverbs. These may abhigraha ghora (173) 'upon hearing the be nouns (including interrogative pronouns) with the harsh reply of the god, Davadanti took a suffixes of the oblique cases, adverbial phrases from severe vow' the older language, negative particles, or adverbial deşi tava sumiņaum davadamti āvī tāta phrases and clauses.109 Adverbial phrases are se kahai ... (260) 'meanwhile, having seen quences consisting of nominal forms with the suffixes of the oblique cases and postpositions, and participial a dream [and] having gone to her father, and gerundial phrases. Davadanti said ...' The object of the verb is a nominal form with acnala nätaka te royu ghanaum (239) 'he wept cusative suffix. As of the subject, attributes of the copiously at the nāțaka of Nala' object are adjectives, participles and postpositional punya papa be säthiim jāim (310) 'merit phrases, agreeing with it in gender, number, and case, and sin both go together (with them nominal forms with genitive suffixes, and clauses. 113 nala baithau pāsi (156) 'Nala sat down riddhi-tanau mani gūravau ma karau nearby nara nara koi (148) 'let no man be proud kima jānai jāva-e 110 tāva páva punyaha (lit., make pride) [because of his wealth' patamara (5) 'how does a being know the pālava sätharau karai atisukamäla (155) 'he difference between sin and virtuous made a bed of very soft twigs' conduct?' davadamti devi-tanau samkhevi hiva avatāra kām navi-e 110 ūdai hamsa (BH 165) 'why save sunaha (30) 'now hear briefly exdoesn't the hansa appear?' pressed everything about the incarnation na Ill ganai räti-disa sānamda (102) 'he did of Queen Davadanti: not reckon night or day in his joy' sura ... deși phuramta bhīmi ... (179) eka tuhäri ana puna mānai nahim 111 "Bhimi having seen the shining gods ...' kadamba (111) 'but Kadamba, alone, Words and clauses can occur in apposition to the pays no heed to your command' object, and these can be expanded by the addition of attributes. 106 The verbal termination (1st person, sing.) indicates the The indirect object can be a phrase consisting of a subject. nominal form (including the pronouns of the first and 10) See fn. 103. 110 Note the tise of the emphatic particle. 112 See Tessitori, 1914-1916: $124. III See Taylor, 1944: $ 113. 118 See fn. 103.


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