Book Title: Nalrayavadanti Charita
Author(s): Ernest Bender
Publisher: American Philosophical Society

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________________ 276 BENDER: THE NALARĀYADAVADANTICARITA [TRANS. AMER. PHIL. SOC. sudha āhāra (12) 'pure food S bali and BH vali, P vili (72) 'then' devi avatara (39) 'incarnation of queen' S nhabāvīim (91) 'bathe' amga ābharana (130) 'body-ornamentation' S bihi and HP vihi, B vahi (120) 'fate' mähä aavi (146) 'great forest' S vihum and BH bihum, P behum (91) 'both kula ācāra (166) 'proper conduct S kuvara, and BHP kūbara (104) 'Kūbara' S amvu and HPS amba (160) 'mango-tree' There are a few occurrences in P, H, and B of the S kovara and BHP kübara (164) 'Kübara' writing of $ for kh. S has none. On the other hand, S vila and HP bila, B bali (180) 'den' B writes kh for ș five times. S ve and HP be (208) 'two' nikhidha (72, 73) 'Nişadha' S vapu and BHP bapa (273) 'body' nikhadha (103, 308) 'Nişadha' m 32 is found for v once each in H and B. rāj'abhakheka (118) 'consecration of king' B jāma and HP jāva (5) 'when' Pand S write ny to the jñ of H and B in nyaya (112) H hima and PS hiva, B havai (167) 'now' 'information.' Compare BH jñāya. B writes d 29 to the of P and H in madamba (122) B writes $ for s once. 'isolated villages. Compare H matamba and P B sağanao and PH säsana (14) 'instruction' mamamba. There is one example each for the substitution of d P, H, and B have each one instance of h dropped after for r and of r for d.30 m or l. P kūbada and BP kübara (136) 'Kūbara' Pama, and BHS amha (240) 'we' H karūu and BP kadüum and S kadūu (120) 'bitter' B kimai, and PHS kimhai (138) 'somehow' H kāli, and PS kalhi (249) 'tomorrow' H writes dh for the th of the other manuscripts in two words. There is one instance in B of the intrusion of h between otherwise contiguous vowels.33 H sādharu and PS sātharau, B sätharu (155) 'grassbed' B sumhālada, and P sumäladam 'soft' H pādharai and BPS patharai (155) 'spread' 2. MORPHOLOGY There are several occurrences in each of the manuscripts of the substitution of cerebral n for dental n. Words have been grouped 34 into the following and one of n forn. Normally, n is replaced by n.31 classes: Nouns, Adjectives, 35 Pronouns, Numerals, Verbs, Postpositions, Adverbs, Conjunctions, InterB simhäsana and PH simhasana (47) 'lion-throne jections, Emphatics. S sāņamda and BPH sānamda (118) 'delighted' H jina and BPS jina (156) 'Jina' * Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: $ 36, and Pischel, 1900: $267. * C. Tessitori, 1914-1916: $38. HBP jñāni and S jñāni (293) 'wise It has been found convenient to treat the linguistic evidence HBP nisāni and S nisäni (77) 'drum' in the traditional fashion-"convenient" in that, since previous works in the field (see bibliography) have been thus presented, The example of n for n is PS sovana 'golden' in 230. any new data gathered may be more readily coordinated with Compare BH sovaņa. those already collected and arranged. (A future article is In stanza 261 of H y appears instead of v: taruyara. planned, presenting a structural study of the language of these texts.) In a presentation of this type the domain covered by Compare P tarūara, S taruara and MG taruvar (nt) morphology includes much which otherwise would be assigned ‘large tree.' Note also HP tihūyana, B tihūyani, S to syntax. For example, terms, such as "Noun," "Adjective," tihuyana (300) and Skt. tribhuvana (nt) 'the three "Postposition," "Locative," "Ablative," "Verb," "Participle," worlds. describe the functions of words to which they are applied-the syntactic relationship of these words to other words. FurtherB has one example each of the substitution of b for v more, the classes, "Adjective," "Participle," "Infinitive," "Post position," etc., into which words have been arranged, are not and v for b. mutually exclusive. In many instances participles cannot be dis tinguished in form as well as in function from adjectives. InB bīvāha and HPS vīvāha (68) 'marriage finitives, which have nominal suffixes, function as nouns and can, B buli and HPS vaulī (196) 'tangled' at the same time, take other nouns as objects. Under "Post positions have been listed words which are nouns, as well as S has three occurrences of b for v and seven of v for b. words which are traditionally considered verbal forms--that is, words with instrumental-locative suffixes and past and conjunc29 Cf. Pischel, 1900: $198. tive participles. 30 Cf. Tessitori, 1914-1916: 29. He remarks on the common 35 Under Adjectives are included the participles of the present, interchanging of dental r and cerebral d in colloquial Northern the past, and the future (gerundive) -all of which take nominal Gujarati and refers to Ling. Surv. Ind., 9(2): 329-330, 1916. case-suffixes. The formation of participial bases is discussed si C. Tessitori, 1914-1916: $ 23, and Divatia, op. cit. 1: 360-362. under "Conjugation."


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