Principal works mentioned :
E. WINDISCH, Hemacandra's Yogaśāstra.
H. JACOBI, Kalpasūtra; J. WARREN, “Nirayāvaliyā" and “Uber de godsdiestige en wijsgeerige Begrippen der Jainas.”
Conclusions : The antiquity of the Jainism cannot be contested However, it is not allowed to affirm in an absolute manner that the founder of the sect may be the same personnage as the Nirgrantha Jñātraputra of the Buddhistic books. "All what one can say, it is this that from the 5th century A. D. the Jainas identified the Jinas of the actual age with one of the six scholars of whom the Buddhistic sūtras make contemporary adversary of Buddha."
II.- 1881.
Examination of the two memoirs of M. JACOBI, on Mahävira and his Predecessors and Das Kalakācārya-Kathanakam.
Conclusions: 1. "It becomes more and more probable that the Jainas from the 5th century were able to rise by the traditions mor? or less direct to the ascetics having lived thousand years before.
"We admit also that real personality is concealed probably under the figure of Pārsvanātha.
“That which we contest, it is the conscious and continuous existence of the sect since romote date, it is the direct transmission of a doctrine and of a proper tradition. This tradition appears to us, on the contrary, to be formed later, of vague recollections and on the model of Buddhistic tradition,"
2. As regards the legend of Kālakācārya, it is difficult to separate the reality from the skein of fictions which accompanies it.
Mention of the article of Bhagwanlal INDRAJI and M. J. BURGESS, The Kahaun Inscription of Skandagupta, which "restores in a difinite manner” this inscription to the Jaina religion,
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