The Jaina system does not accept the authority of the Veda. It commends the truth of its system on the ground of its accordance with reality.
Its central features are its classification of being, its theory of knowledge with its celebrated doctrines of Syadvada and Saptabhangi, and its ascetic ethics. Five kinds of knowledge ; consciousness; the soul.
P. 251. The doctrine of naya (aspects or standpoints) ; Jiva (conscious) and ojiva (non-concious) ; the Jainas believe in the atomic structure of the universe. Cause of the soul's embodiment ; way to deliverance through the three Jewels'right faith, right conduct and right knowledge ; five virtues-ahimsa (non-violence), truth speaking, non-stealing, chastity and non-attachment to worldly things, constitute right conduct ; the Jainas were the first to make ahimsa, non-violence, into a rule of life, the state of ‘release'.
A. Tattvārt hādhigama Sutrā—Chapters I to X
contents of these
Pp. 252-60. given.
Pp. 260-68. B. Syādvādamanjari : The Syadavādamañjari by Mallisena is a 13th century commentary on the famous Jain work. An examination in thirty-two stanzas of the doctrines of other systems by Hemacandra, (1088-1172); a celebrated work on Jaina metaphysics and logic, the book ranked almost as an original place of work.
Pp. 269-71. C. Sanmati Tarka : The noumenal (dravyārthika) and the phenomenal (paryāyārthika), the two fundamental methods (the two nayas, standpoints) covering the viewpoints of things as stated by Tirthankaras.
P. 349. The age of Buddha (563-483 B.c.) represents great spirit in India. The revolt of Buddhism and Jainism forms an era in the history of Indian thought, since it finally exploded the method of dogmatism and helped to bring about a critical point of view.
all men alike worship, the Jainas as the Un
P. 379. That being whom obstructed...
Sadashiv N. ATHAVALE-A note on the logic and epistemology of the Carvakas. (Proc., I.H.C. XXII Session), Bombay, 1958.
P. 46. Jain writers like Vadirajasūri, Prabhāchandrasuri etc., have recorded the views of the Cārvākins.
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