________________ INTRODUCTION that there is not much difference between the time of Dharmottara and Mallavadi. Mallavadi, the author of the Naya-chakra can in no case be proved to be the same as the author of this Tippana. A critical study of the Naya-chakra definitely establishes the fact that he lived between the times of Dinnaga and Dharmakirti. The treatise frequently mentions the name of Dinnaga, but there is no mention at all of those of Kumarila and Dharmakirti. Therefore, his date as accepted by the tradition may be correct. According to Dr. Bhattacharya, the date of Dinnaga is c. 345-425 A.D. It is held that Mallavadi had a discussion with the Buddhists in 884 Vira-samvat. Accordingly, the date of this discussion is 357 A.D. From this evidence Dinnaga and Mallavadi are proved to be contemporary. Therefore, it is not possible that he could have composed the Tippana on the Nyaya-bindu-tika.. 2. The Tatparya-nibandhana-tippana--Muni Punyavijayji has recently acquired a palm-leaf MS. of this Tippana. There is no prasasti at the end to indicate the name of the author. The script of the MS. is very old. It does not seem to have been copied later than the 12th century. It is a brief explanation of the commentary of Dharmottara. This Tippana clearly shows that Dharmottara refuted the views of Vinitadeva and Santabhadra. The author himself calls it Tippana and names it "Tatparya-nibandhand' : 'aeftet feugait n' p. 1, TATTETatarctiftafa TA af ' p. 42. At the outset of the Tippana the following is the Mangala-sloka : "TSATTE E TE TNI प्रज्ञाकर्णधरं नत्वा कृपानावि व्यवस्थितम् // " If the phrase 'Ellaurat be understood as having a sle sha indicating the names of Prajnakara and Karnagomi, the date of the author can be proved to be later than both these Acharyas. It seems that he lived before Durveka, since Durveka in his commentary on the first sentence mentions the views of many opponents, whereas this Tippana here does not mention other views. This Tippana contains many sentences that are reflected in Durveka's commentary : tefa for at fast alege