Book Title: Vaishali Institute Research Bulletin 4
Author(s): R P Poddar
Publisher: Research Institute of Prakrit Jainology & Ahimsa Mujjaffarpur
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Some Reflections on the Commentaries of Paesikahāņayam 21 dealing in crooked ways'. Thus the compound word will mean 'practice of insincerity etc.' which quality fits in with the king's character painted in the context.
विइण्णवियारे Commentators iptei pret this word as faroffazit: i. e. one who is permitted to move about freely.7 Chitra, the charioteer and adviser of king Pradexi is painted as a very successful administrator and a great confidant of the king in matters of administration. In this context he is said to be M6929, faguufaard Totazifarag.. etc. The preceding epithet describes Chitra as a confidant of the king. The succeeding one describes him as mindful of state administration. So the above interpretation of "faguufaurt' seems to be out of context here. The meaning assigned to it by the commentators falls short of majotaining coherence in the description of the qualities of head and heart of Chitra.
The word therefore calls for a re-thinking. The word faguo can be derived from 'विचिण्ण', the past participle of 'विचारेति'. It therefore can be interpreted as 'विचिण्णवियार' (विचीर्णविचारः) i.e. one with well thought-out ideas (worthy of rendering mature advice or resting his actions upon these ideas). This meaning is quite consistent in the context.
वहिद्धावाण Commentators niean by it abstaining from all kinds of sexual intercourse. They analyse it as afgeza: and assigo to it the meaning Hatant:'10. According to these commentators, afectaM377 ATAU is the fourth restraint preached by Parsvanātha which was later replaced by Mahāvira by a vow called #Entert athu. They further hold that it was सव्वाओ परिग्गहाओ वेरमणं i. e. abstaining from all types of possession
5. Cf. Sanskrit Saci-Crooked (M. Monier Willians) Pāli Sāciyoga
- Crooked ways, insincerity (Rhys Davids). 6. 09fagoufart fafarag **** 7. fatuit --Tistarat foart: - forft
One who is permitted and commissioned by the king to move
about freely everywhere-R, C. Tripathi. 8. Cf Pāli Vicinna (PP. of Vicāreti] thought out-R. Davids 9. .."चाउज्जामं धम्म परिकहेइ, तं. सव्वाओ बहिद्धादाणाओ वेरमणे 10. Pāia Sadda Mahaņņavo
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