no ya hāsaņaé siyā. Kévalı büya-Hāsapatté hási samāvaijjā mosam vayaņāé, hāsé parıyāņāı, sé Nigganthé no hāsaņaé siya tti pancami bhāvaņa.
Fifth Clause of the Second Great Vow
Now, next, the fifth clause-A Nirgrantha comprehends (and renounces) mirth; he is not mirthful, The Kevalin says -A Nirgrantha who is moved by mirth, and is mirthful, might uiter a false-hood in his speech-A Nirgrantha comprehends (and renounces) mirth; he is not mirthful. This is fifth clause.
In this way, the Second Great Vow is correctly practised, followed etc. This is Worshipful Sire, the Second Great Vow.
Third Great Vow
The Third Great Vow runs thus
अहावरे तच्चे भंते ! महव्यए अदिनादाणामो वेरमण, सव्वं भंते ! अदिभादाणं पञ्चक्खामि, से गामे वा नगरे वा रण्णे वा अल्प वा बहुं वा अणुं वा थुलं वा चित्तमंतं वा अचित्तमंत वा नेव सयं अदि गिहिज्जा नेवऽनेहिं अदिनं गिण्हाविज्जा, अदिनं गिण्हं तेवि अभे न समणुजाणामि, जावज्जीवाए तिविहं विविहेणं मणेणं वायाए कायेणं न करेमि कारवेमि करतं पि अनं न समणुजाणामि, तस्स भंते ! पडिकमामि निदामि गरिहामि अप्पाणं वोसिरामि, तच्चे मंते ! महब्वए उवडिओमि सव्वाओ अदिनादाणाओ वेरमणं ॥३॥
Ahāvaré taccé bhanté ! Mahavvaé a-dinnādāpão véramanam Savvam bhanté a-dinnādāņam paccakkhāmi, sé gámévā, nagarévā, rapne va, alpam va, bahum va, ayum va, thula n va, cittamanta vā, a-cittamanta vā, neva sayam a-dinnam giņhijja névannehim a-dinnam giqhāvijjā, a-dinnam gizhantévi anné na samanujāņāmi jāvajjivāé tiviham tivihénam mapenam vāyāé käyénam, na karémi, na karavami, karantam pi annam na samanujanami, ta
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