mendicant ascetic) or & Parivrăjikā (a female Parivrajaka) enters an Order of Jaina Sadhus and carefully observes all the religious rites of ascetic life prescribed in the Jaina Siddhantas, will the Jaina Sâdhus take food and drink-materials with him?
Sthavira --- Yes. There is not the least objection in taking food and drink-materials with him.
Indrabhūti Gautama:--Long-lived śramaņas! Now, if the Parivrājaka who had taken Bhāgavati Diksā, becomes a householder will you take food and drink-materials with him ?
Sthavira:--No such dealings can be at all effected with him.
Indrabhūtt Gautama -- Long-lived śramaņas ! He is the same person with whom you were taking food and drinkmaterials before, but you cannot do it because at, that time he was a Jaina Sadhu and now he is a house--holder. Similarly, a sthavara-kaya living being produced from a trasa living being is not the subject of vow for a person who has taken a row of abstenence from killing trasa living beings.
By means of the above-mentioned examples, Canadhara Mahārāja indrabhūti Gautama removed the wrong idea of Šramaņa Udaba, that- "I take a vow not to injure any trasa (moving) living being except with the object of putting on fetters on any house-holder or on a robber, or of removing such fetters from them, in execution of orders of a king or any officer appointed by him.
Now, refuting an assertion of śramaņa Udaka that-When all trasa living beings are produced as sthāvara living beings, the vow of a person taking a vow of abstaining from killing trasa living beings, will become meaning-less'-Gañadhara Malā raja Indrabhūtt Gautama said:-Of what sort of death must be the death of a house-holder who carefully observes the Partial Vows of a House-holder, and who, at the end of his life, dies very calmly after taking the vow of remaining without food and drink
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