On the one hand, all the political activities commencing from penalty to crime, signing of peace and declaration of war to all minor things like enjoyments, lying in beds, dressing, travelling, story-telling, smiling or weeping were all performed in accordance with the rituals formulated by the Brāhmins. They ordained that people should follow their written dictates in all manners of worldly affairs and as such they could do nothing away from their rituals from cradle to grave, and if any act was done averse to their rituals they would be liable for atonements and should pay penalty by way of Dakshiņā.
Such was the network framed by the Bärhmanical sect. As is natural, however, those that desire to entangle others are entangled themselves because delusion makes minds deluded. By trying to create confidence in other's minds for things incredible right faith is lost. The snare in which the Brâhmanical sect attempted to tangle others, became their own trammels. A num. ber of authorities of old times bears out the fact that society always retrogrades when human self-willed nature is regarded beyond any purpose. This is one of the primary causes that have contributed to the social degradation of the Hindu-Community. It is an effulgent reality that delusion deludes both The Brāh manical sect had its genises in a waning stage as they were trammelled up in the dehesive snare and that high class of Literary gems who before wrote books like the Rāmāyana, Mahābhârat, Panini Grammar, and Sankya system of Philosophy were covantented with the writing of simple books like Vasaradatta Radambarı etc. In the waning stage, this intelligence also faded. The fertile region became a barren land.
What Bankinchandra has in brief told about the down. fall of the Brahmanical sect is literally true. The discriminations started by Brahmins for non-brāhmins in community, creed and rituals made their own progeny suffer and had the inevitable misfortune of falling into the ditch dug by them.
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