34. Apratihata King of Sangandhik. 35. Priyachandra King of Kanakpur, 36. Bala King of Mahapur.
37. Arjuna King of Sughosha.
38. Datta King of Champā.
39. Mitranandi King of Saketapura.
40. Jitashatru King of Kashi etc. Many others besides above were the followers of Lord Mahavira.
The above mentioned names of the then Rulers are found in Angas and Upangas.
These Princes are found from our scriptures to be the ardent adherents of Lord Mahavir but at the same time if not all at least some of them are recorded as Bauddhamates and this can be explained away by the fact that, at an earlier stage, they might have been the followers of Lord Buddha on hearing his sermons, but when subquently they had an occasion to listen to the teachings of Lord Mahavir they may have adopted Jain faith. This view is tenable because Lord Buddha departed from this world earlier than Lord Mahavir's Final Beatitude by a period of sixteen years. In other words Lord Mahavir had been preaching Jain Faith for about sixteen years after Buddha's death and seve ral Princes of Bauddha faith had accepted Jainism as their faith finally. This explains now the names of several Rulers find their place both in Bauddha and Jain Books.
In addition to above lists of Principalities and Princes, Ancient Books have on record many others. So it is evident that in Lord Mahavir's time there was hardly any paramount power to whom others owed allegiance.
The whole of India appears to have been divided into various principalities. The forms of Government varied. In some cases, the monarchs were autocrats, in other cases there was a
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