Jitashatru was the king of Vanija city where Ananda the Shravak lived.
There was the Champà city inhabited by Shravak kander whose ruler also was Jitashartru.
Käshi was the city where Chulnipita lived where also Jitas hatra ruled. (It was also called Vanarasi a big city situated on the bank of the Ganges It formed a prominent city of Käshi desha.
Besides the above nomenclature rules some other names of royal clans as is traced trom Bauddha Books. The chief of such clans were called Rajas.
1 The Shakya clan of Kapilvastu in which Lord Buddha was born.
2. Magga of Susamära mount.
3. Bali of Allakapura.
4 Kilam of Kesaputta.
5. Koliya of Ramagam.
6. Malla of Kusinara.
7. Malla of Pavy.
8. Mariya of Piphalivana.
9. Videhas of Mithila,
10. Lichhavi of Vésali,
We may add to this the Gnätri clan in which Lord Mah avir was born Nine rules each of Malla and Lechhak out of these mentioned above had participated in the clebrations conse quent upon Lord Mahavir's Nirvana It has been said about these rulers that for some reason or purpose they had assembled there and among then also were some ruleres of Koshalas, fendatory princes of King Chctak of Vaishali.
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