long. There, he possess transcendent lustre and has opulence at his command. Such a being in paradise gratifies his carnal lust with his own females, as well as, of others. He cannot expericence the fruition of both seuxes simaltaneously either the male or female. One who experiences the male sexual sensation can never in the same breath, enjoy the female sexual sansation When a living being suffers from the male sensual sensation, he desires for a female for gratification of the sexual urge and Vice Versa
Ganadharas Achalbhrātā and Métarya both vowed for abstinence from food and drink for a month and passed away attaining Moksa (Final Emancipation). This happened in the Gunashila Caitya (residence ). Sramana Bhagavāna Mahāvira lived at Nalanda during the rainy season of the Thirty-eighth year of his Ascetic life. पोग्गलाण अत्यि सिणेहकाए, तम्हा विणि परमाणुपोग्गला एगयओ साहपंति, ते भिज्जमाणा दुरावि तिहावि कन्जंति, दुहा कज्जमाणा एगो परमाणुपोन एगयओ दुपदेसिए खंधे भवति, तिहा कज्जमाणा विणि परमाणुपोग्गला मति, एवं जाव चवारिपंचपरमाणुपो० एगओ साहणित्ता २ संपत्ताए कज्जति, खंधे वि य ण से असासए सया समिय उवचिज्जइ य भवपिज्जइ य । पुन्धि मासा अभासा भासिज्जमाणी भासा २ भासासमय पीतिवंत वर्ण भासिया मासा अभासा जासा पुचि मासा अभासा, भासिज्जयाणी भासा २ भासासमयवीतिक तं च णं भासिया भासा अभासा सा विभासो भासा अभासओ भासा ? भासओ ण भासा नो खलु सा अभासओ भासा । पुब्धि किरिया अदुक्खा जहा भासा तहा माणियव्वा, किरिया विभाव करणओ णं सा दुक्खा नो खलु सा अकरणओ दुक्खा, सेवं बत्तम् सिया-किच्चं फुसं दुक्खं कज्जमाणकडे कडु २ पाणभूयजीवसत्तावेदणं वेदेंतीति वत्तवं सिया ॥ (सूत्र ८०)॥
॥ भगवती सूत्रे-धतक १ उदेश १० पृ-१०२-१०३ ॥
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