worship the images taken away and defiled by persons of other faiths.
Indrabhfiti Cautama.-Bhagavan I In which gati ( kind of existence) will Ambaờa Parivrăjaka go after finishing his age limit in this life ?
Bhagavåna:-Gautama ! Peacefully observing the vows of celibacy, Samāyika Vrata, and Pausadha Vrata, and remaining in religious meditation during this life, he will live as a householder for many years. At the end of his life, Ambada Parivră jaka will remain in religious meditation without food and drink for one month, and after death, he will be born as a god in Brahma Déva-loka. Descending thee in Mahā Videha-ksétra, as a human being, he will attain Moksa ( Final Emancipation
From Kämpilya-pura Nagara, Sramapa Bhagavāņa Mahivira went the direction of Vidéha-desa and reached Vaisāli.
Śramapa Bhagavāna Mahāvira lived at Vaisali during the rainy season of the Thirty-first year of his Ascetic Life.
Thirty-second year of Ascetic Life. (B. C. 537-536).
After the close of the rainy season. śramapa Bhagavåna Mahavira, moved about in the territories of Kasî and Košala and in the summer season he went to Vānijaya Grima in Vid éha-désa.
At Vānijya Crāma, Śramana Bhagavana Mahavira was staying at Dutipalāsa Caitya, outside the town. He was preach ing religious sermons daily.
संतर भंते मेरच्या उपजेति, निरंतर नेरइया एववज्जंति, संतई असुरकुमारा उववाति निरंतर अमुरकुमारा भाव संतर वेमापिया उमाजंति, निरंतर वेगाणिवा विवजविसंतर नेण्या उवाति निरंतर भैरइया उचवटंति जाब संकर वाणमंतरा पपईति निरंतर मानवसमा
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