28. O great king I my loving and faithful wife, moistened my br
east with the tears of her eyes. 29, The poor lady did not eat, nor drink nor bathe, nor use
perfumes, wreaths, and anointment, with my knowledge or
without it 30. O great king ! she did not leave my side even for a mom
ent; but she could not rid me of my pains, hence, I say that I am without protection.
(30) 31. Then I said; it is very hard to bear pains again and again e endless Circle of Births.
(31) 32. If I for once, shall get rid of these great pains, I shall be
come a houseless monk, calm, restrained and ceasing to act,
(32). 33. While I thought so, I fell asleep, Ruler of Men, and after, that night, my pains had banished.
(33). 33. Then, in the morning of the next day, I look leave of my
relations, and became a houseless monk, calm, restrained, and ceasing to act.
(34). 35. Thus, I became the protector of myself and of others besides,
of all living beings, whether they move or not (35). 36. My own self is the river Vaitarani; my own self the Sālma.
li tree; my own Self is the miraculous cow-Kāmaduha;
my own Self, the park Nandana. 37. My own Self is the doer and undoer of misery and happi
ness, my own Self friend and foe, according as I act well
or badly 38. But there is still another want of protection, king I hear
therefore, o king I attentively with concentrated thoughts, how some easily discouraged men go astray after having adopted the Law of the Nirgranthas
(38) 39. If an ordained monk, through carelessness, does not strictly
keep the Qreat Vows, if he does not restrain himself, but
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