________________ 433 Also, Skandaka! Siddhi (accomplishment of Final Emancipation) should be considered in relation to dravya (object), ksetra (place), kala (time), and bhava (nature). As a dravya (object), Siddhi being one, it is Santa (with an end). In relation to ksetra (place) Siddhi extends over forty-five hundred thousand yojanas in length and breadth, and over a circumference of one crore forty-two lac and thirty two thousand and two hundred yojanas and two Rosasless. In relation to kala (time), Siddhi is ananta (endless), because it was not absent in the past, it is not absent at present, and it will not be absent in future. It is sasvata (eternal) and it will remain so With regard to bhava (nature), it exists as innumerable transformations, and hence, Siddhi is ananta. Siddhas (who have attained Liberation,) are of four kinds with regard to dravya (object), ksetra (place), kala (time), and bhava (naturel. As regards dravya (object) a Siddha is one object, It is santa (with an end). Siddhas pervade numerous places and nu. merous akasapradesas (void localities), and so, with regard to place, the Siddhas are santa (with an end). In relation to kila (time), Siddhas have a beginning and they have no end and hence they are ananta. With regard to bhava (nature) Siddhas are ananta तं जहा-दचओ 4 दवओ ण एगा सिद्धी ] खेत्तओ ण सिद्धी पणयालीसं जोयणसयसहस्साइ आयामविक्रखंभेण एगा जोयणकाडी बायालीसं च जोयणसयसहस्साई तीसं च जोयणसहस्साई दोनिय अउणापन्नजोयणसए किचि विसेसाहिए परिक्खेवण अत्यि पुण से अंते, कालो णं सिद्धि न कयावि न आसि भावो य जहा लोयस्स तहा माणियव्वा, तत्थ दवाओ सिद्धी सअंता, खेत्तओ सिद्धी अणता, कालओ सिद्धी अणंता, मावओ सिद्धी अणता / जे वि य ते खंदया ! जाव किं अणंते सिद्धे तं चेव जाच दरओ ण एगे सिद्ध सअंते, खेत्तओ सिद्धे असंखेज्जपएसिए असंखेज्जपदेसोगाढे, अत्थि पुण से अंते कालओ णसिद्ध सादीए अपज्जवसिए नत्यि पुण से अंते, भावओ सिद्ध गणता णाणपज्जवा अणंता सणपज्जवा जाव अणंता 55 Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.org