it is your body that is being burnt. I will live happily on this auspicious land for sixteen years. But you yourself will suffer from bilious fever and you will die vowless within seven days. Gośa. laka! You have done a shameful act. O Beloved of the gods I you shall have to repent for this rash act.
The news of this dispute between Gośālaka and śramana Bhagavāna Mahāvīra rapidly reached the town. The people began to say 'To day there was a discussion between two Jinas at Kostaka Udyana. One said "you will die earlier; the other said you will die earlier.' Well, out of the two, who will be telling the truth, and who will be a liar ? Wise persons will invariably say :-Where is the doubt about it? Śramana Bhagavāna MahAvira is a Tirthankara and a Sarvajna ( omniscient) and he always tells the truth. Gośālaka is not a Jina He is a hypocrite He is a liar.' Such a talk prevailed, in every market-place and street of Śrāvasti.
Now, the Téjoléśyā of Gośālaka had been used up. Lusterless Ite a cobra devoid of venom, he stood before Sramana Bhagavána Mahavira, At this time śramaņa Bhagavāna Mahavira, addressing his ascetic disciples, said :=-Long-lived Sadhns! Just as grass burnt by fire becomes luster-less, in the same way, Gosalaka has become luster-less by the loss of his Tèjolèśyā Now, you can hold a controversy with him and you can defeat him. There is no danger in having religious discussion with him. On receiving the permission from Śramaņa Bhagavâna Mahavira, some of the learned sādhus went near Gośālaka and they held discussions on religious topics; but Gośālaka was not able to answer satisfactorilly. He was defeated on many questions of vital importance On seeing the weakness of their own religious preceptor, some of the disciples of Gośālaka quitted Ājivika Sampradaya, and took Bhāgavati Dikså at the pious hands of Sramaņa Bhagavāna Mahâvîra On seeing his own pitiable condition, the steadiness of Gośālaka came to an end. He cast his own fear-inspir
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