in fire. (9). Taking a poison. (10). Being cut with a weapori. (11). Committing suicide by strangulation of throat, and (12) Death caused by tigers, lions, vultures, and other carnivorous animals. O Skandaka | Persons dying with deaths caused by any of these twelve kinds are born as Hellish Beings or as Brutes, and their wanderings in the Samsāra are greatly increased. Bala Marana is, thus, the cause of increase of Sasmāra.
Pandita Marana Pandita Marana is of two kinds via 1 Pädapopagamana and 2. Bhakta Pratyäkkyāna.
1. Pādapopagamana Maraña is that variety of death in which a person at the end of life, remains in religious meditation in a standing, sitting, or lying posture till death.
| Bhakta Pratyākhyāna Maraṇa is that variety of dying in which a person, observing a vow of remaining without food, and drink, does all his religious ceremonies with rare and remains in perfect calmness of mind at death-time, O Skandaka I a person dying by any of the two varieties of Pandita Marana greatly reduces his chances of wandering in Naraka-gati (hellish life), Tiryanca-gati (birth as a brute), and Manuşya-gati (human existence), and having destroyed long-lasting Karmas of various ages he approaches nearer to Moksa (Final Liberation).
On hearing the explanation given by śramaņa Bhayavāne Mahāvîra, the mind of Skandaka was greatly enlightened and he requested the Worshipful Lord, to give a sermon. Sramana Bhagavān Mahāvîra, thereupon, delivered a sermon before Skandaka
क्खाणे ? २ दुविहे पण्णत्ते तं जहा-नीहारिभे य अनीहारीमे य नियमा सपडिक्कमे, सेत्तं भत्तपच्चक्खाणे । इच्चे ते खंदया! दुविहेणं पंडियमरणेण मरमाणे जीवे अणंतेहिं नेरइयभवग्गहणेहि अप्पाण विसंजोएइ जाव वोईवयसि, सेत्तं मरमाणे हायइ, सेत्तं पंडियमरणे । इच्चेएण खंदया ! दुविहेण भरणेण मग्माणे जीवे वइ वा हायति वा ॥ सू०९१ ।।
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